The Daily Telegraph

UK ‘will be Venezuela for 20 years’ if Starmer wins

A Labour government would be ‘catastroph­ic’ but is ‘highly likely’, says Dr Jordan Peterson

- By Dia Chakravart­y

BRITAIN will be “Venezuela for 20 years” if Labour wins the next general election, Dr Jordan Peterson has warned.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, the Canadian psychologi­st and media commentato­r said that it was “highly likely” that Sir Keir Starmer would be elected, but that it would be a “catastroph­e”.

In a wide-ranging interview, Dr Peterson also said believing people can change gender represents “maximal confusion” and criticised the ideology of “diversity is unity”. He praised Margaret Thatcher as an “ethically admirable person” and a conservati­ve with a “spine”, the likes of whom has been missing from politics in recent years.

Labour currently has a 17 per cent lead in the polls. With Rishi Sunak struggling to unite a divided Tory party, there is speculatio­n an election could be called as early as spring 2024.

Speaking from Toronto, Dr Peterson said: “You guys, you elect a Labour government, you’re gonna be Venezuela for 20 years. “I’m terrified it would be a catastroph­e if the UK voted [in] a Labour government. But yeah, it’s highly likely,” he said.

Once the richest country in South America, Venezuela has endured a series of crises under socialist rule. Nicolas Maduro, its president, has most recently threatened to take over an oilrich region controlled by neighbouri­ng Guyana.

Critical of Justin Trudeau, Dr Peterson warns that the Canadian prime minister’s ideology is deeply confused.

Mr Trudeau is among leaders who “trumpet diversity as our unity”, he said. “I think with our confusion about sex itself, we’ve actually hit maximal confusion. I don’t think you can be any more confused than that. It’s really not good.”

In September, the Sir Keir met Mr Trudeau. He is said to have sought election tips from the Canadian, his ideologica­l ally in the progressiv­e left movement.

The Labour Party has struggled to articulate a clear position on trans ideology and decide on the definition of a woman, with gender-critical Labour MP Rosie Duffield having faced backlash from her own party because of her views.

In 2017, Dr Peterson faced the wrath of the progressiv­e Left in his country when he criticised the addition of “gender expression” and “gender identity” to Canada’s Human Rights Code.

The free speech advocate claimed this amendment would make it a hate crime to refuse to use genderneut­ral pronouns and rejected it as “compelled speech”.

Dr Peterson said it is crucial to recognise that, “we are not moulded in a petri dish nor are we deer in a forest”.

“Human beings can let their stupid ideas die instead of them.

“We can learn and transform, we’re not restricted by environmen­tal constraint­s the same way that other creatures are, we can always make more with less,” he said.

‘Human beings can let their stupid ideas die instead of them. We can learn and transform.’

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