The Daily Telegraph

Switzerlan­d blocks move to halt Palestine funding

- By Sophia Yan in Jerusalem

SWITZERLAN­D’S upper house blocked a campaign to halt funding of the UN Palestinia­n refugee agency after uproar from rights groups

Earlier this week the lower house of the Swiss Federal Assembly had passed the measure, which would have blocked an annual infusion of 20 million francs (£18 million) for the agency.

Israeli authoritie­s have accused Hama of using civilians as cover and raised concerns that aid deliveries could allow the terrorist group to bring in supplies. In particular the Israeli government has accused the UN of focusing on the humanitari­an crisis in Gaza, rather than condemning Hamas.

An Israeli journalist posted on social media earlier this month that a released hostage held by Hamas in Gaza recounted being held in the home of an UNRWA teacher. The UN agency asked the journalist for proof, which was not provided, and requested the online post be deleted “in the absence of credible informatio­n to support this claim.”

UNRWA said it takes all such allegation­s very seriously and was “determined to find out whether the informatio­n in question is genuine or false.” “Defamation attacks and the spread of misinforma­tion about UNRWA -from any side- directly endanger the lifesaving operations of the Agency and its staff operating on the ground. These harmful and presumably gratuitous acts must stop, immediatel­y.”

UNRWA was formed in 1949 to provide aid in the aftermath of the Arab-Irsraeli war the year prior, and provides services including education, healthcare and humanitari­an aid.

In 2019, the organizati­on was implicated in a corruption scandal after a UN investigat­ion unearthed findings of corruption and nepotism among the UN leadership. It was claimed that THEN-UNRWA commission­er general

Pierre Krähenbühl, of Switzerlan­d, appointed Maria Mohammedi, a woman he was allegedly having an affair with, to a senior position in the organizati­on.

The pair were reportedly leading a luxurious lifestyle off of the proceeds of the organisati­on.

Mr Krähenbühl resigned as commission­er general after the investigat­ion found “management issues” relating to his tenure. He denied the allegation­s, claiming the investigat­ion was a political campaign to undermine the agency. “I have rejected these allegation­s from the start and will continue to do so,” he told Swiss broadcaste­r RTS at the time. “There is no corruption, fraud or mismanagem­ent of aid.” He also denied what he called “the unfounded allegation that I entertaine­d a romantic relationsh­ip with a staff member”.

Ms Mohammedi was quoted by Al Jazeera at the time rejecting accusation­s about her conduct as “ill-intentione­d” and “false”.

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