The Daily Telegraph

Jail for nurse who sedated stroke patients ‘for easy shift’

- By Alex Barton

HOSPITAL workers who drugged stroke patients to make their shifts easier did so for “their own amusement”, a judge has said.

Catherine Hudson, 54, a senior nurse, and Charlotte Wilmot, 48, a healthcare worker, were found guilty yesterday of mistreatin­g stroke patients at Blackpool Victoria Hospital as part of a “culture of abuse”.

The pair were said to have singled out patients they disliked in order to have “an easy life” in a move called “dangerous and callous”, a court heard.

A misconduct inquiry revealed messages which showed Hudson and Wilmot plotting to “kill bed 5” and give another patient “the best sleep she ever had”.

Hudson wrote in one message: “What a lovely day I have had in blue bay today. Sedated all the troublemak­ers lol xxx.”

She was sentenced to seven years and two months at Preston Crown Court yesterday.

The senior nurse also administer­ed an unprescrib­ed sedative to Aileen Scott, a 76-year-old paraplegic patient, to “keep her quiet”. Wilmot, was found to have been involved to a lesser degree, was given a three year sentence.

In his sentencng remarks, Robert Altham, honorary recorder of Preston, said: “You were in a position of trust and responsibi­lity. You offended against vulnerable people in your care over a significan­t period.

“The relatives of all those patients will always be distressed at the betrayal of trust. There will be a loss of public confidence in the NHS.”

Hospital chiefs alerted police to Hudson’s activities in November 2018 when a student nurse on a work placement said Hudson suggested administer­ing unprescrib­ed drugs to a patient.

The drug, zopiclone, a class C sleep- ing pill, is potentiall­y life-threatenin­g if given to unwell patients, Preston Crown Court heard.

A message from May 2016 showed Wilmot responding to Hudson’s suggestion to sedate a patient. It said: “Ha ha yeah sedation we love it.”

Judge Robert Altham, said: “The patients were as vulnerable as anyone could be. These defendants exploited them for an easy shift, for amusement and to exercise contemptuo­us power over them.”

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