The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Hodgkinson grits it out for gold

Champion fights off illness to retain European 800m title GB 4x100m relay win seals Asher-smith sprint double

- By Jeremy Wilson CHIEF SPORTS REPORTER at the Olympic Stadium, Rome

Keely Hodgkinson is a four-time European champion, but what should have been the most clearcut victory of them all owed as much to kidology and grit as her obvious physical superiorit­y.

Having gone down with an illness on Tuesday, Hodgkinson was not sure even of running until about 10 minutes before the 800metres final but, after some vitamin C, aspirin, nose spray, paracetamo­l and a few final warm-up sprints, she concluded that, yes, she could probably still win.

“It was the sorest I have ever felt in a race but I had to believe in the fact that I am the defending champion,” said Hodgkinson, who had begun to feel a sore throat, headache and runny nose following her semi-final win 36 hours earlier.

It then only got worse through Tuesday, leaving a knife-edge decision over how to balance the competitiv­e instinct to win against the knowledge that more important races still await. “I’ve been umming and ahhing all day,” she said. “Can I still put on a performanc­e? I’d be disappoint­ed if I didn’t try. It was just about finding a way.

“I’ve got to think about my health as well. You do think, ‘How much worse is it going to make me in two hours when I crash?’ But I have trained ill before and in the warmup I felt OK. Hopefully it’s been worth it.”

It had all meant managing expectatio­ns down from the potential championsh­ip records, world leading times and personal bests her training had suggested were feasible to simply ensuring she crossed the line first while expending minimal

Brave face: Keely Hodgkinson celebrates winning the 800m

energy. She achieved that, surviving a late run by Slovakia’s Gabriela Gajanova to prevail in 1min 58.65sec, and Hodgkinson’s idea of a celebratio­n will now be two days largely of sleep in the hope of being ready to resume training on Saturday.

With the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics six weeks away, every session can feel critical but most of the hard work will already have been banked and the priority now will be to not rush her return.

She was also able to show another side of her racing skills. Having sprinted into the lead, it became clear after about 200m that something was wrong. The pace slowed and it was evident she was below the standards that had made her a 33-1 on favourite. Hodgkinson, though, had effectivel­y disguised her illness from competitor­s who followed before an increase in pace at around 600m – and then again in the final metres – sealed what was one of four British golds of the championsh­ips.

“I just wanted to control it – if they were going to beat me, they had to catch me,” said Hodgkinson. “Sometimes when you are racing, you’ve got to think, ‘They are also nervous to race you’. It was just relief at the finish. I feel like I’m in the shape of my life – the Olympic Games are so special, a huge opportunit­y to change your life and I’m ready to go for it.”

Great Britain also led from the start just over an hour later in the women’s 4x100m relay to seal a sprint double at these championsh­ips for Dina Asher-smith.

Fresh from winning the 100m title, Asher-smith put Britain in a predictabl­e lead on the first leg and they were then never behind as she handed on to Desiree Henry before Amy Hunt, on the third leg, and then Daryll Neita anchored the team home in 41.91sec. “Super slick, super smooth and super speedy – 10 out of 10,” said Hunt.

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