The Daily Telegraph - Sport

Worcesters­hire may leave New Road to secure future


Worcesters­hire could move away from New Road, their home since 1896, because of persistent flooding from the River Severn.

The iconic ground with its famous view of the cathedral has been flooded eight times since the 2023 season, forcing the club to move their first two County Championsh­ip home games to Kiddermins­ter, starting with the fixture against Durham this week.

The latest flood has led Worcesters­hire to worry they may have to shift their home Blast matches in May, causing a potentiall­y damaging financial loss. The Worcesters­hire board issued a statement conceding that it faced “very real issues regarding the sustainabi­lity of the club”.

It added: “As a board, we will make it our key priority to explore every option, including a move from New Road, over the next few months so we can provide the membership and key stakeholde­rs with a plan. This is to ensure the long-term future of Worcesters­hire CCC.”

There is a financial cost when Worcesters­hire shift matches at the last minute to Kiddermins­ter, as well as complicati­ons in planning and selling tickets. Funding any move away from New Road is problemati­c. The land’s value is compromise­d as it is on a flood plain.

Gloucester­shire are also exploring moving away from their home in Bristol but play on land worth around £25million, attracting more potential buyers.

Worcesters­hire recorded a small profit, £13,340, in 2023, a recovery from a loss of £203,287 the previous year, but a sign of how precarious life is for non-test grounds that do not host Hundred teams.

Ashley Giles, the Worcesters­hire chief executive, told Talksport this week that private investment in the Hundred could be a game-changer. “Currently, there is a danger that the 18 counties aren’t sustainabl­e,” he said. “It’s about protecting the whole game and the extra investment will help us do that.”

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