The Chronicle (UK)

Gang member jailed for ten years for his part in garage torture of three men



A MEMBER of a South Shields crime gang that tortured three men inside a garage has been jailed for more than 10 years.

Craig Seales was part of a gang that lured their victims to a lock-up off Fowler Street, South Shields, on September 18 last year, before holding them prisoners and torturing them.

The gang demanded significan­t amounts of money in order to secure their release following a dispute over drugs.

Seales had pleaded guilty to two counts of false imprisonme­nt and one count of blackmail and was said to have secured the “all-important premises” where the victims were “abused and assaulted”.

The 38-year-old was said to have been present the entire time of the violence, Newcastle Crown Court heard.

Yesterday, Seales, of Rembrandt Avenue, South Shields, appeared at the court via video link to be sentenced. The court had previously heard that Seales came up with the solution the victims could leave if they paid £20,000 in two days.

Glenn Gatland, defending, had told the court Seales facilitate­d what occurred but was not aware of what was going to take place.

He added he was not involved in supplying cocaine or any drugs the gang were involved in peddling.

The court heard the gang lured the victims to a garage, which was owned by Seales, where they were then beaten amid a dispute.

Prosecutor Richard Wright KC said the violence included punches and kicks, and a shovel was used to hit them and a blow torch was also used, while corrosive substances were poured on them.

The court heard one of the victims tried to convince the group he had money at home and could get it, but the defendants refused to let him leave.

Sentencing Seales, Judge Amanda Rippon said the three victims were “abused and tortured”, with one said to have felt “helpless” and terrified.

In a statement, he said he thought he was going to die during the ordeal and that he said a Muslim prayer in his head which is usually recited before death.

The victim, who was eventually released, went on to flee the North East with his family.

Judge Rippon said there was “no justificat­ion” for the injuries the victims sustained and that each defendant was “culpable for the next”.

She added some played “discernibl­e parts” with Seales providing the “all-important premises”.

She sentenced Seales to 10 years and four months in prison. A restrainin­g order was also imposed and will last until further order.

The remaining members of the gang are still to be sentenced for their involvemen­t.

Jonathon Ferguson was to be sentenced alongside Seales for two counts of false imprisonme­nt and one count of blackmail, but a power cut at HMP Durham meant his case was adjourned.

Daniel Lake, 33, Kasim Thompson, 35, Iain Sutherland, 33, Grant Maclean, 24, and Samantha Olsen, 36, also pleaded guilty to two counts of false imprisonme­nt and one count of blackmail when appearing at Newcastle Crown Court earlier this year, while Jonathon Mason, 35, and Liam Price, 30, pleaded guilty to affray.

 ?? Craig Seales ??
Craig Seales

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