The Chronicle (UK)




Choose between cryptic and quick clues to tackle the Giant crossword – both lead to the same answers.


Recovering from a bout of failing to clear the jumps? (7,4)

13 No. Won’t change to

some other time (3,3)

14 For the swap, I come in

for a lot of abuse (6)

16 About a pound overweight.

That’s indisputab­le (4)

17 So cut out the name,

as usual (9)

18 How to start renovating the repossessi­ons is the question (5)

19 The head sounds

like a foreigner (4)

20 Though drunk, see it’s an

awkward situation (5,4)

22 A number are small

and flat (5)

23 Like a cake without sultanas and raisins. No good (9)

27 What a fuss about a bag

not checked in! (5-2)

30 It’s about time mother does

assume importance for (6)

31 The topless dress will

astonish you (4)

32 “Quiet when playing,” you

then say, “young man” (5) 35 Cry “Look!” (4)

36 Entering into a squabble

about cargo (7)

38 “Manage,” I put in,

“to spoil” (4)

39 Stop letting in a quarter

of the foreigners (7)

42 Grass that can

cut itself? (5)

45 The ship’s turning

again, love (6)

46 Caught us, drat, pouring

on the sauce! (7)

47 For most of the day,

is on the stand (4)

48 Taking time to put in

lettuce beds (4)

50 “Please” is a word that’s

gone out of usage (7)

52 Anything that will get

a thug to reform (5)

54 Notice a T has crept

into “18” (6)

56 Worried, I ran in to

appeal to, carrying (7)

57 Certain Nat and he

will form a bond (4)

59 Results of crossing

birds with rodents? (7)

61 The girl became

rebellious (4)

64 Turns back to “Money

savers” (5)

66 A bit of an eye for a girl (4)

67 A fish, you think, to eat

only the head and tail of (6)

69 And the boyfriend is

carrying the girl’s ribbon (7)

72 Say goodbye,

paradoxica­lly (4,5)

73 Say all but fifty of the

latest were destroyed (5)

74 A not bad, funny role

in “The List” (9)

79 Stop me reversing

onto the street (4)

81 Tell to re-do, changing

right through (5)

82 Pastry in the form

of a snake? (4,5)

83 Advantage he’d get

being in the centre (4)

85 Fight one lost on

getting an injury (6)

86 When renovated, the

interior is quite modern (6)

87 Oppressed and walked

all over by? (4-7)


1 What made the diviner

say “Gracious me!”? (4)

2 Upsetting the birds,

the child is a pain (6)

3 Criticises the Fort

soundly (6)

4 Stolen photo of a VIP (7)

5 A lone tattered figure

in yellow (5)

6 What the little imp who frightened the monk caused? (4,6)

7 Puts in the picture (5)

8 Amazed, as we hurtled

towards the big vehicle (9)

9 With a light metal,

embark on (5,2)

10 Support for the

president, initially (4)

11 When I got the old side

re-trained, really loved it (8)

15 “Clear case,” I deleted (6)

21 I myself enclosed a note

with the picture (5)

24 Found out many didn’t work on an honorary basis (7)

25 With arm trembling, getting

a drink: on edge (6)

26 They think bars are for

playing about in (6)

28 Knocking back the usual

one a day, fast (5)

29 Not working and

that’s bad (3)

33 Make a speech in which

to relinquish rights to? (7)


12 Recovering from (7,4)

13 Another time (3,3)

14 Harangue (6)

16 Apartment (4)

17 Usual (9)

18 Difficult question (5)

19 Head (4)

20 Hard situation (5,4)

22 Number (5)

23 No good (9)

27 To-do (5-2)

30 Be important (6)

31 Astonish (4)

32 Temper (5)

35 Look (4)

36 Cargo (7)

38 Spoil (4)

39 Nationalit­y (7)

42 Cutters (6)

45 Ship (5)

46 Sauce (7)

47 Stand (4)

48 Beds (4)

50 Old-fashioned “please” (7)

52 Anything (5)

54 Notice (6)

56 Carrying (7)

57 Male name (4)

59 Birds (7)

61 Rebelled (4)

64 Twirls (5)

66 Plant (4)

67 Fish (6)

69 Ribbon (7)

72 Say goodbye (4,5)

73 Announce (5)

74 Not bad (9)

79 Stop (4)

81 Command (5)

82 Snake (4,5)

83 Advantage (4)

85 Scratch (6)

86 Quite modern (6)

87 Oppressed (4-7) 34 Busy working as an

escapologi­st? (4,2)

37 Is half strangled by a

straggling tree, in short (5)

40 The ladies somehow

lost a picture (5)

41 Can include a tip, perhaps,

for the one in charge (7)

43 A vague “Oodles. Possibly

around five hundred” (5)

44 Lying back ourselves

against the tree (6)

46 Plan for tea-time (5)

49 Shot in, gets changed and

is not one’s usual self (7)

51 Has painters in, which

does bother one (6)

53 Heartbroke­n by the note,

you understand (6)

55 Not a word about the

coloured fragment! (5)

58 Happen when you arrive

at and give to (4,2,4)

60 With time about up,

coming to a conclusion (3)

62 For the last half,

everybody has a seat (5)

63 Verifying that I’d occupy

if and only if (9)

65 Do put the price on the

outside. It’s the custom (8)

68 Felt sort of imprisoned,


1 Gracious me! (4)

2 Pain (6)

3 Criticises (6)

4 VIP (7)

5 Yellow (5)

6 Little imp (4,6)

7 Photograph­s (5)

8 Amazed (3-6)

9 Embark on (5,2)

10 Support (4)

11 Loved (8)

15 Clear (6)

21 Picture (5)

24 Found out (7)

25 Edge (6)

26 Minds (6)

28 Fast (5)

29 Not working (3)

33 Speechify (7)

34 Busy (4,2)

37 Short (5)

40 Picture (5)

41 Skipper (7)

43 Vague (5)

44 Lying (6)

46 Plan (5)

49 Odd (7)

51 Hector (6)

53 Understand (6)

55 Fragment (5)

58 Happen (4,2,4)

60 Time (3)

62 Seat (5)

63 On condition (9)

65 Custom (8)

68 Released (3,3)

70 Rested (7)

71 Sweet (7)

75 Mistakes (6)

76 Changes (6)

77 Depicted (5)

78 Vehicle (5)

80 Complain (4)

84 Attempts (4)

though released (3,3)

70 The salesman does work,

having taken a break (7)

71 A sweet, loving

little creature (7)

75 Sorrier I missed the

anagram mistakes (6)

76 When, to conceal the repair, one makes alteration­s to (6)

77 Depicted “Rain in the

Early Morning” (5)

78 Go pale, trapped by

the vehicle (5)

80 Complain about the

stated cut (4)

84 Bashes – or beats it (4)

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