The Chronicle (UK)

Rat-infested venue closes


- By DANIEL HALL Reporter

A NEWCASTLE city-centre restaurant has been shut down after continuing to serve food despite being plagued with a major rat infestatio­n.

When Environmen­tal Health Officers inspected Teamo BBQ House on Percy Street in April 2023, they found piles of soil on the kitchen floor – evidence that rodents had burrowed through the restaurant’s structure.

Rat droppings were found throughout the restaurant, on work surfaces, under the oven and the sink used for washing pans.

The lid of a deep fat fryer covered a hole where rats had gained entry, and was stuffed with six wax blocks of poison.

There were smudge marks along the skirting boards where rats had been running, and the infestatio­n was described as prolonged and well establishe­d.

The owner agreed for the business to close immediatel­y, at the request of Environmen­tal Health Officers, until the pest activity was brought under control and a deep clean of the premises undertaken. A number of re-visits to the premises were made by the Environmen­tal Health Team to make sure that work required to improve hygiene standards was being carried out.

However, a rat carcass was found on the kitchen floor at a subsequent inspection following extensive pest control treatment, as well as other breaches of food safety legislatio­n. Cleaning standards remained poor and rat droppings were found on a shelf and in a box storing chopping

boards. Food business operator Min Hou of Spring Garden Lane, Newcastle, admitted five breaches of food hygiene regulation­s when she appeared before Newcastle Magistrate­s. She was fined £533, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £213 and £1,200 costs, a total of £1,946.

Tea and More Limited, the company of which Hou was a director, also admitted the same five offences. It was fined £8,000, ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £2,000 and £1,200 in costs making a total of £11,200. The court heard the restaurant previously had a five-star hygiene rating when the council received a complaint.

However, in July 2023, the restaurant was given a one-star hygiene rating and Hou was interviewe­d under caution with a view to taking formal action. The business has now been dissolved.

Newcastle city councillor Irim Ali said: “This is a horrific breach of food hygiene regulation­s. No-one could fail to be disgusted at the con

dition of that restaurant, I am just relieved it has now closed and noone has been poisoned.”

He added: “I hope the penalties handed out in this case act as a reminder to all food businesses to ensure their premises are pristine and that they act as soon as they discover a problem.

“When people eat out, they rightly expect the highest food hygiene standards. As a council we will not hesitate to take enforcemen­t action when regulation­s are breached.”

 ?? ?? A dead rat found during an inspection
A dead rat found during an inspection
 ?? ?? Teamo on Percy street, Newcastle
Teamo on Percy street, Newcastle

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