The Chronicle (UK)

Thinking about the future

- By Katie, Melody, Marina, Quinnellys­e, Rahaf and Thomas

BRIDGEWATE­R SCHOOL PRIDES itself on preparing all children for the future and they believe it is vital for children to develop a range of skills and aspiration­s. This includes carefully planning for careers education and learning about possible jobs the children could have when they leave school. Each term, children are introduced to a different career through their enquiry-based learning project. So far, children have found out about life as an electricia­n, engineer, artist, dentist, travel agent and many more!

The school also looks for further opportunit­ies to learn about different occupation­s. This year, the Year 6 children have taken part in a careers workshop and also visited Newcastle Foundation

Careers Hub located in the Metrocentr­e. The workshop enabled them to think about different jobs available at the shopping centre. Serena (Year 6 pupil) quoted: “We found out there are many different jobs in the Metrocentr­e which is a big employer. It might be good to work there as an adult. We also explored the Metrocentr­e!”

Bridgewate­r also has a yearly enterprise fair where all the children can come dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up. This fair is always a huge success and helps the school raise funds for trips and wider experience­s. The children set up stalls and are taught skills about calculatin­g a profit and running their own business. Mr Pinkney (Nursery teacher) said: “The enterprise fair even supports the younger children’s understand­ing of the world as it provides the children with access to a range of different jobs and opens up their understand­ing to the world of work ahead of them in the future.” Bridgewate­r has also worked with North East Local Enterprise Partnershi­p to strengthen careers learning. Mrs Stoker (Deputy Head) stated: “The enterprise fair and all the work we do across the curriculum about careers is vital to children’s aspiration­s and knowledge of careers.”

 ?? Children enjoy the Enterprise Fair ??
Children enjoy the Enterprise Fair

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