The Chronicle (UK)

Man knifed his friend after he called him a ‘grass’


- By ROB KENNEDY Court reporter

A SAVAGE knifeman who tried to murder his friend in a frenzied stabbing because he called him a grass has been jailed for 24 years.

Tony Gibbinson took exception to the victim labelling him a snitch about him drinking alcohol in the hostel where they were both living.

The pair had been on good terms but in a drink and drugfuelle­d rage, Gibbinson took a knife the victim had been using to prepare a meal and stabbed him repeatedly in a murderous onslaught.

One of the blows passed completely through his arm, severing an artery and causing blood to spurt out.

Now Gibbinson, 49, who was convicted by a jury of attempted murder, has been locked up at Newcastle Crown Court.

At the time of the attack Gib

binson, who had been homeless and had long-standing issues with drugs and alcohol, and the victim, were both staying at a hostel at Elaine House, Lynemouth, Northumber­land.

The court heard they had been on good terms and got on well, with the victim going out of his way to help Gibbinson,

making sure he got up in the morning for breakfast and making it to the chemist for his methadone prescripti­on.

On the afternoon of August 29 last year, the two men and two women went to some nearby woods to consume alcohol.

Gibbinson, who had consumed six to eight cans in the morning and a litre of cider in the afternoon, was in an argumentat­ive mood and had a row with one of the women.

The victim later returned to the hostel and it was his turn to make the evening meal.

The court heard he called Gibbinson, who was swigging from a can on the step, a grass because he had reported him to staff for drinking alcohol at the hostel.

In his drunk and drugged state, he took exception and responded: “I will stab you”.

He then went upstairs before returning to the kitchen, muttering that he would “kill him”.

The victim had been using a knife to cut some chicken and had put it down on the counter. Gibbinson kept asking why he had called him a grass, even when told to leave it by others.

Passing sentence, Judge Paul Sloan KC said: “The victim was in the corner of the kitchen, facing away from you as he continued to prepare the meal.

“You, having looked around the kitchen for a weapon, went over and picked up the knife from the counter then advanced on him from behind.

“His back was towards you and as he turned you, in an alcohol and drug-fuelled rage, launched a savage attack upon him with the knife, an attack described by one witness as frenzied. It was a large, sharp kitchen knife with a blade 19.5cm long.

“You repeatedly struck out at him with the knife, even after he had gone onto the floor, aiming for his neck.

“There were seven separate contacts with the knife and some blows were struck with significan­t force.”

The victim raised his arm to protect his neck and when he did so one of the blows passed completely through his arm, severing an artery, causing blood to spurt out.

The victim also suffered a wound to the left side of his chin, scratches to the left side of his face and neck and another stab wound to his right arm.

Judge Sloan said: “He was completely at your mercy during that attack, desperatel­y trying to fend off blows, even as he lay on the kitchen floor.”

One of the women bravely tried to stop the attack and got between the two men and tried to push Gibbinson away, but he continued to stab the victim, changing the position of the knife in his hand.

The man eventually got away from Gibbinson and fled the kitchen but even then the knifeman was still bemoaning what had been said earlier, saying “I’m not a grass”.

He then went on to shout towards the hostel: “I will stab you all.”

When arrested at a nearby bus stop, he referred to the victim in abusive terms and said he was not a grass and knew he was going to prison.

Judge Sloan jailed Gibbinson

for 24 years with an extended licence period of a further five years.

He said: “This was a particular­ly brutal attack. Not only was a knife used but it was used repeatedly.”

In a victim impact statement, the man said: “I was seriously assaulted by Tony Gibbinson

when he stabbed me a number of times for no reason whatsoever. I’m lucky not to have died.”

He said he has been left with ongoing issues with his right arm, which is his dominant arm and is unable to perform some tasks properly.

He has also been left scarred and in pain, with medication not providing sufficient relief.

He has developed PTSD as a result of the attack and struggles to sleep and has become withdrawn.

He said he also has long-term nerve damage and restricted movement.

Gibbinson, who has 81 previous conviction­s, including for carrying knives, robbery and drugs, had not taken his medication for two days and had consumed alcohol and crack cocaine at the time.

Shaun Routledge, defending, said: “He will use his time positively going forward and work towards his rehabilita­tion and turn his life around in the environmen­t in which he will have to spend a great deal of time.”

 ?? Tony Gibbinson ??
Tony Gibbinson

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