The Chronicle (UK)

Ford forced out of England tour


RUGBY LEAGUE Leeds Rhinos intend to form a permanent tribute to Rob Burrow at their Headingley home as they continue to mourn the death of their former player.

Burrow died last Sunday at the age of 41 after a four-and-a-halfyear battle with motor neurone disease, during which he helped raise millions of pounds for charity.

Tributes have been paid to the father of three, who won eight Super League titles with the Rhinos, throughout the week, with a minute’s silence held at Saturday’s Challenge Cup final between Wigan and Warrington.

And the club announced yesterday that they will liaise with Burrow’s family on how to turn shirts and other items which have been left at Headingley into a permanent memorial.

A club statement read: “From Monday morning, June 10, the club staff will start to lift and store safely the many shirts and mementos that have been left in tribute to Rob from people around the country.

“This is to ensure that they do not get

RUGBY UNION George Ford has been ruled out of England’s summer tour to Japan and New Zealand because of an Achilles injury.

Ford started at fly-half throughout this year’s Six Nations but having completed the club season with Sale, it has been decided he needs time to recover from the pre-existing condition.

“Naturally we’re disappoint­ed that George won’t be with us in Japan and New Zealand,” head coach Steve Borthwick said.

“Following specialist medical advice, and in consultati­on with damaged by the weather and the site remains a fitting tribute to Rob. Each will be photograph­ed and put into a book, copies of which will go to the family, one at the stadium and one to be housed in the new Rob Burrow Centre for MND.

“The club will make a decision, in conjunctio­n with Rob’s family, how to use the shirts and items to form a permanent tribute at the stadium, most likely somewhere in the South Stand to recall where people came to remember Rob this week.”

Headingley will remain open for the next two weeks for well-wishers to visit and pay their respects, but the club has asked that no more shirts or items are brought to the ground.

George himself, we have decided this is the best course of action.

“George is a big part of the England team and is an excellent profession­al who I know will rehab diligently to ensure he gets himself right as soon as he can.”

 ?? ?? Wembley tributes to Rob Burrow on Saturday
Wembley tributes to Rob Burrow on Saturday
 ?? ?? George Ford
George Ford

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