The Chronicle (UK)

Vandals strike at library twice in three weeks

Plans for fencing to try to stop further attacks


A COUNCILLOR has called for security improvemen­ts at a library after it was targeted by vandals twice within the space of three weeks.

Windows were smashed at Blyth South Beach Library on April 26 and May 12, with police investigat­ing both incidents. However, Coun Daniel Carr believes measures such as CCTV would have stopped the vandalism altogether.

The South Blyth councillor said he and town councillor Caitlin Jones warned security measures would need to be in place before the library opened. Plans are now in motion to install a perimeter fence around the library to protect the building from further harm.

Coun Carr said: “I share the upset and anger at the damage done to the South Beach Library. It’s dishearten­ing to see our valuable community resource subjected to mindless vandalism.

“We’re progressin­g with perimeter fencing to go around the grassed area at the front. That will hopefully safeguard the library from further attacks.

“It is annoying because we asked for CCTV a year ago, saying something should be put in to protect the library. It is unfortunat­e this has happened.

“I’m happy to say the fencing will be done and I hope it will prevent any further damage. We don’t want to be reactive, we want to be proactive but the hand has been forced. We can’t go on like this because it will happen again. We need something in place now. I’m just pleased this work is going to go ahead and we can get this resolved.

“South Blyth Councillor Caitlin Jones was proactive in expressing the need for security measures before the library’s opening to prevent such antisocial behaviour and the recent damage has emphasised the need. We both understand your concerns and want to reassure residents that we are taking this matter seriously.

“It’s unacceptab­le that a community space like the library is being targeted in such a way. We will continue working with the council and police to address these issues.”

Officers from Northumbri­a Police are appealing for informatio­n.

A spokesman for the force said: “We have received two reports of criminal damage at South Beach Library, in Blyth in recent weeks. It was reported that sometime between 3pm and 5.20pm on Sunday, offenders smashed a glass panel of an outer door to the library building before leaving the scene.

“This follows an earlier incident at the same location at on 5.35pm Friday, April 26, when we received a report that a window had been smashed.”

Anyone with informatio­n should call 101, quoting crime reference number 054846H/24 for the incident on May 12 and 049820G/24 for April 26.

 ?? ?? Police at South Blyth Library following a suspected vandalism incident
Police at South Blyth Library following a suspected vandalism incident

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