The Chronicle (UK)

‘I looked again and realised it was Aaron’



A YOUNG wife tried to call her husband to say there had been a crash on her route home before realising he was the casualty involved, an inquest has heard.

Aaron Morris was just 31 when he died after his off-road Honda motorcycle was involved in a collision with a car in Esh Winning, County Durham, on July 1, 2022 – his pregnant wife’s birthday.

Yesterday, Durham and Darlington Coroners’ Court heard how his wife, Samantha Morris, had been on her way home from an overnight hospital stay before the couple headed to the Lake District for a final holiday ahead of the arrival of the twins they had recently found out they were expecting.

But as trainee nurse Samantha reached the junction between Priestburn Close and Newhouse Road she became one of the first people on the scene of a crash, where she discovered her husband lying injured in the road.

Samantha, 29, from Ushaw Moor, said: “I saw the accident so I went to ring Aaron to say I need to stop to see if they need a hand. I looked again and realised it was Aaron.”

She told the inquest that Aaron was lying on his front and had been asking for someone to get his wife “because she’ll know what to do”.

She added that Aaron had been struggling to breathe and her mum, who came to the crash site, had run to the nearest doctors’ surgery to get oxygen to help Aaron.

However, Aaron’s condition deteriorat­ed and he suffered a cardiac arrest in the back of an ambulance en route to hospital. He was pronounced dead at University Hospital of North Durham.

We previously reported how North East Ambulance Service (NEAS) apologised after an internal investigat­ion revealed there was a “series of

errors and system failures” which led to Aaron’s death.

Yesterday Senior Assistant Coroner, Crispin Oliver, ruled that the inquest will be held in two parts, with evidence from medical staff being heard at a later date, after it was decided to hear evidence from the Great North Air Ambulance Service (GNAS).

Speaking about the moments leading up to the collision, Samantha explained that Aaron had been to collect his motorcycle from the mechanics that morning as it had been in the garage for repair.

However, he only decided to collect it as Samantha was delayed at the hospital. She added that it was

only the third time he had been on the bike.

Samantha told the inquest: “If I hadn’t been in hospital the night before we would have been on our way to the Lakes and he wouldn’t have been on his bike.”

The inquest also heard from collision investigat­or, PC Jason Coverdale, who said that post-collision inspection­s found no fault with the bike. They also concluded that although investigat­ions were unable to determine what speed Aaron was travelling at the time of the collision “it can’t have been high speed because there wasn’t a lot of damage to the car or bike”.

The inquest continues.

 ?? ?? Samantha Morris pictured with her twins Aaron-junior John Robson Morris (left) and Ambrose-ayren Morris (right). They were born after the death of her husband Aaron in a road crash
Samantha Morris pictured with her twins Aaron-junior John Robson Morris (left) and Ambrose-ayren Morris (right). They were born after the death of her husband Aaron in a road crash
 ?? ?? A gender reveal party held for Samantha’s twins at the end of July – just weeks after dad Aaron had been killed in the crash
A gender reveal party held for Samantha’s twins at the end of July – just weeks after dad Aaron had been killed in the crash

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