The Chronicle (UK)

Thousands flee offensive

- Saturday.

THOUSANDS more civilians have fled Russia’s renewed ground offensive in Ukraine’s north-east that has targeted towns and villages with a barrage of artillery and mortar fire, officials have said.

The intense battles have forced at least one Ukrainian unit to withdraw in the Kharkiv region, capitulati­ng more land to Russian forces across less defended settlement­s in the so-called contested “grey zone” along the Russian border.

Meanwhile, a 10-storey apartment block collapsed in the Russian city of Belgorod, near the border, with several deaths and injuries reported. Russian authoritie­s said the building collapsed following Ukrainian shelling. Ukraine has not commented on the incident.

At least 4,000 civilians have fled the Kharkiv region since Friday, when Moscow’s forces launched the operation, governor Oleh Syniehubov said in a social media statement.

Heavy fighting raged yesterday along the north-east front line, where Russian forces attacked 27 settlement­s in the past 24 hours, he said.

Analysts say the Russian push is designed to exploit ammunition shortages before promised Western supplies can reach the front line. Ukrainian soldiers said the Kremlin is using the usual Russian tactic by launching a disproport­ionate amount of fire and infantry assaults to exhaust their troops and firepower.

It comes after Russia stepped up attacks in March targeting energy infrastruc­ture and settlement­s, which analysts predicted were a concerted effort by Moscow to shape conditions for an offensive.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said disrupting Russia’s offensive in the area is a priority, and that Kyiv’s troops are continuing counter-offensive operations in seven villages around the Kharkiv region.

“Disrupting the Russian offensive intentions is our number one task now,” he said. “Whether we succeed in that task depends on every soldier, every sergeant, every officer.”

The Russian Defence Ministry said on Saturday that Moscow’s forces had captured five villages on the border of Ukraine’s Kharkiv region and Russia. These areas were likely to have been poorly fortified due to the dynamic fighting and constant heavy shelling, easing a Russian advance.

Ukraine’s leadership has not confirmed Moscow’s gains.

A Ukrainian unit said it had been forced to retreat in some areas and Russian forces had captured at least one more village late on

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