The Artist



1 Making the test sample

1: Side by side, I pencilled in a 21/4in square and a 21/4x31/3in rectangle as shown (above). I also made a dark vertical pencil line in the rectangle for the relative transparen­cy/opacity test.

2: To test how the paint behaves in a wet-on-wet applicatio­n, I wet the total square with clean water so it had an even shine. Then using a 1in flat brush, I brushed paint into the centre with one stroke.

3: To show value range, I made a graded wash in the rectangle by painting a heavy line at the top. Then, quick as lightening, I painted a side V-shape below the band. With horizontal strokes, washed the paint upwards from the base with water to make a graded wash.

4: When the paint was dry, I tested the lifting/staining characteri­stic. I used a narrow, flat brush and with clear water, I made five strokes up and down and then swiped the area dry with a clean tissue.

5: For the lightfastn­ess test, I cut an inch strip that I placed in a window for at least six months together with a blue-wool fading strip as a light measure.

2 ▲ My procedure

I made ten test samples on a 15x11in quarterImp­erial sheet of Arches 150lb (300gsm) coldpresse­d Not watercolou­r paper

3 ◀ Cinquasia maroon PR206


Value range: it’s not dark in mass tone; it’s transparen­t, granular; manageable in a weton-wet applicatio­n; lifts readily, so is great for wet-on-wet and graded washes – but not for glazing because it will disturb when overpainte­d. It is lightfast

5 ► Lightfastn­ess test

I pasted the cut-off lightfastn­ess samples on an acid-free board and placed them in an east window where they were exposed to Texas sunlight for six months. You can use alizarin crimson PR83 as a control in place of the blue-wool strips. If a paint fades as quickly as PR83 then it’s not lightfast

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