Tamworth Herald

Dosthill and Two Gates


rogerpheat­h46@gmail.com n.biggs123@btinternet.com

BROOM: The great tidy up of the haul road areas commenced with removal of fencing, posts and the yellow supports at the Sefton Road and Rosebery Road junction, then towards the bottom end of Arkle. By the weekend, the metal fence panels had been stacked ready for removal.

The yellow supports are scattered across the long grass and weed cover. Once the grass has been cut to a sensible length, only then will it be possible to properly assess the impact of the haul road on this part of The Broom.

There is a necessity for some remedial work to improve bare patches with little grass and to level the uneven places covered by the yellow supports. Concrete bollards were promised by the developers in order to prevent entry by vehicles at the nearby lower entry to The Broom.

Stone picking and removal has already taken place on the newly grassed area within the academy grounds.

The site of the unofficial pond that formed during the rainy season is now unfenced but a pond may well reappear in times of heavy rainfall. RHS judges will be on site on Tuesday, 16 July at about 12.15pm.

COMPLAINTS: Residents in Dosthill Road, Two Gates complain that house builders have often worked with noisy and heavy machinery until gone 9pm.

They also report pavements and grass verges being blocked with workmen’s private vehicles making exiting of residents’ drives hazardous as they cannot see the oncoming traffic until actually in the road.

DBC FUN DAY: On Saturday, 6 July from 12 noon to 3pm in the grounds of the club on Cadogan Road, at the junction with Hedging Lane. Entry will be £1 per adult. Lots of games and stalls for adults and children. You will be able to go on the big inflatable slide, play miniature golf, try a football game and play Hoopla or a ping-pong game.

There will be a separate adult and children’s tombola. There are stalls for cuddly toys, a bottle stall, bric-abrac, money tombola and a craft stall. Refreshmen­t options include tea, coffee, ice cream or lollies, cakes and a barbecue.

A slight difference this year will be that some stalls will be accepting tokens as well as cash. Tokens can be purchased on the day by cash or card at designated stalls. There will be card machines in use.

PARK: The monthly meeting for the Dosthill Park Working Group will be on Sunday, 7 July. Meet at 10am as usual by the car park.

WI: The meeting this month will be on Tuesday, 9 July at DBC (Dosthill Boys Club) in Cadogan Road, starting at 7.30pm. The event this month is Joy’s Salsa class/ demonstrat­ion.

There will be opportunit­ies for participat­ion but perhaps not too actively. Warnings may be necessary to not overdo some movements. We may have unknown talent amongst our group. Will determinat­ion and agility be victorious over health and safety? It will be interestin­g to find out on what promises to be an enjoyable ladies’ evening.

COFFEE: Pat and Edna’s coffee morning will be on Tuesday 9 July, from 10.30 to 12 noon as usual in the Norman Chapel.

FETE: An early notice that Dosthill Primary Academy will be holding its summer fete on Saturday, 13 July. Details in Village Voice next week.

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