Tamworth Herald

Players know grass isn’t always greener on the other side...


Sports Reporter

THERE is a saying in life: If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

Many people live by that mantra. It is very simple and to the point but it works in almost all walks of life, including sport and football in particular. There is also another: the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

And both are apt especially for this back to back promotion winning squad bidding to work more wonders this time in the National League.

While each promotion is obviously a step up by its very own definition, the gap to be bridged when reaching the league and taking on a whole host of full time clubs is gigantic. Andy Peaks himself acknowledg­es it is one of if not the hardest.

But what else can the Lambs do? They are not going to splash the cash and sign all of the league’s best players and football league ready calibre and, even if they did, there is no guarantee that would work in any case.

These players have earned the chance to represent the town and the badge at the higher level.

All their blood, sweat and tears from last season was for this moment and it is nice to see many sign on the dotted line to stay; undoubtedl­y turning down bigger and better offers in the process.

It is also testament to the team spirit Peaks has created. Players don’t want to leave. They have seen what it’s like and they want to stay. Loyalty works both ways and both parties know how good they have got it right now.

It won’t all be rosey. Far from it. But fans can trust in the knowledge that this set of players have already given them memories to last a lifetime.

You know what you are getting with these lads. They will fight for the shirt, for their club and give everything no matter what. Running through brick walls, bodies on the line, last minute winners, wonder strikes.

Much more is still to come from these familiar faces.

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