Tamworth Herald

Working hard to resolve issues and challenges for residents

- CLLR CAROL DEAN Council leader

AS I have set out over the last few weeks, I’ve been working with my team and officers at the council to get to grips with the major plans and challenges that face us, while also working hard to resolve local issues raised by residents across the town.

I’ll be talking in more detail about our plans after the General Election. But in the meantime, please get in touch with me or your local councillor­s if you need our support or want to talk to us about anything. Councillor­s’ advice surgeries are publicised via the council website.

This week, I want to focus on the importance of voting and a reminder of some of the rules.

The General Election campaign is in full swing with each party setting out its manifesto plans.

Your right to cast your vote is precious and I would encourage everyone to take time to think about what each party is putting forward and vote on Thursday, 4 July.

Polling stations are open from 7am to 10pm.

The name and address of your polling station is printed on your polling card. With our busy lives, one way some people choose to vote is by post.

They have been dropping through letterboxe­s this last week, in fact I received mine on Saturday.

Since last year, there has been a requiremen­t to show an approved form of photograph­ic identifica­tion to polling station staff before being issued with a ballot paper.

If you don’t already have any of the accepted forms of photograph­ic identifica­tion, you are able to apply either in person, by post or online, for a Voter Authority Certificat­e - a free photograph­ic identifica­tion document specific for the purposes of voting. You can find a list of accepted forms of identifica­tion on the Tamworth Borough Council website.

If your photograph­ic identifica­tion document has expired, it will still be accepted as long as the photograph is still a good likeness of you. You can apply for a Voter Authority

Certificat­e online here: https://www. gov.uk/apply-for-photo-id-voterautho­rity-certificat­e.

Alternativ­ely, you can apply using a paper applicatio­n form, please call 01827 214155 during office hours to request a paper applicatio­n form.

The deadline to apply is 5pm, six working days ahead of a poll. For the elections taking place on Thursday, 4 July, the deadline to apply for a

Voter Authority Certificat­e is 5pm, Wednesday, 26 June.

I hope everyone exercises their right to vote in this important election which will decide the future direction of our country.

The right to vote is so precious and I urge you to have your say.

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