Tamworth Herald

Duo take on the Rainbow Run...


LAST weekend turned out to be something very rare - most Peelers were taking a well-earned rest in between races. But not for Steph Attenborou­gh and Joanne Sharman who helped to make Sherwood Pines (Mansfield) shine so bright it was hoped it could be seen in space! Rasselbock joined forces with ‘We are Fearless’ to host the Rasselbock Rainbow Run. The event allows runners to run for 6 hours and complete as many 5.79km laps (Four laps completed makes it equivalent to a half-marathon) through the beautiful forest as possible. Steph and Joanne both completed four laps in 3:31:20. Marathon running is nothing new to this pair. Steph has completed 114 marathons (including ultras), 66 half-marathons, Joanne, 58 marathons and 155 half-marathons. This run was on top of running Leicester Victoria parkrun on Saturday and volunteeri­ng at Rushcliffe Junior Parkrun as tail walkers prior to their race. They both deserved their momento at the end! Helen Dempsey returned to her university home to complete her fourth run in Swansea. It was the 10th anniversar­y of the Swansea half-marathon which attracted elite runners, wheelchair athletes as well as club and charity runners. Participan­ts enjoy an iconic route that is arguably one of the most scenic coastal half-marathons there is. Helen smashed the course in 2:45:15, her best time this season. Not all Peelers put their feet up for the weekend however; Peelers once again kicked off Saturday morning at a parkrun. Aston Hall welcomed Allen King 24:13 and Chris Bennett 24:23. Dolgellau, North Wales, saw Jamie Abbiss finish in 19:10. Mark Boffey 23:28, Sarah Boffey 32:56 and Michael Hughes 34:45 ventured to King George V Playing Field, the home of Cheltenham parkrun. A popular venue on Saturday was Kingsbury Water Park. James Stretton achieved third with a time of 19:46, followed by Peel chairperso­n Mike Shelton 21:44, Phil Neale 22:50, Simon Gordon 24:14, Katie Stretton 25:04, Lisa Stretton 25:10, Jacquie Tierney 27:10, Roger Eastaff 31:35, Martyn Candy 37:56, Claire Guffick 43:12, Alison Dolphin 43:18 and Lee Guffick 43:21. Tim Mudd attacked Sence Valley Forest Park in a time of 24:47. Emma Pick ran at Sherwood Pines in 20:48; Ben Dorkins further afield at South Shields in 23:14. Tamworth Castle Grounds was also a popular choice: Roger Lloyd 24:28, Wendy Roe 33:16, Stella Taylor 37:44 and Vicky Bowyer 37:58. Michael Stevenson ran at Warwick Racecourse, 36:43 and finally Ian Orton completed Y Promenade, Brecon, in 23:59. Behind the scenes, members are busy preparing for the Peel event of the year - the Gate Gallop 2024. This event has been run for more than 25 years, raising more than an incredible £110,000 for St. Giles Hospice in the process. This year it will take place on Sunday, July 28 at the Anker Valley Sports Complex in Amington. It is an off road, traffic free event and is part of the Burton and District Summer League. The event includes a 600m children’s race, a 4.4k fun run (for ages 9 and above) and a 10k (ages 15 and over) race. Online entries are now open so book your place.

 ?? ?? Joanne Sharman.
Joanne Sharman.

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