Tamworth Herald

Candidates announced as town gets ready to vote for MP once again

- By JORDAN COUSSINS News Reporter

THE people of Tamworth are well-drilled in elections - we had one as recently as last year after all.

The constituen­cy found itself at the centre of a Boris Johnson storm in recent years when the then-mp Christophe­r Pincher played a major role in his departure.

When that played out, the people of Tamworth voted in Labour candidate Sarah Edwards towards the end of last year. It is expected to remain a red seat but has swung between Labour and the Tories regularly in the past.

Brian Jenkins was the Tamworth MP for Labour throughout the Tony Blair years before

Mr Pincher took over when

David Cameron swept to power in 2010.

This time round, Electoral Calculus strongly predicts a Labour win. It comes amidst a tough time for Rishi Sunak’s party which is predicted to lose despite an 80-seat majority in 2019.

Among those standing in Tamworth are Sarah Edwards - Labour Party, Ian Cooper Reform UK, Susan Howarth Green Party, Eddie Hughes Conservati­ve Party, Jed Marson - Liberal Democrats, Adam Goodfellow - Workers Party and Robert Bilcliff UKIP.

The last election was in 2023. The results then were: Labour, Sarah Edwards 11,719 (45.8%), Conservati­ve,

Andrew Cooper - 10,403 (40.7%), Reform UK, Ian Cooper - 1,373 (5.4%), Britain First - Ashlea Simon - 580 (2.3%). Turnout: 25,586 (36%).

Elsewhere, those nominated for the North Warwickshi­re seat are Guy Burchett (Liberal Democrats), Paul Hopkins (Reform UK), Rachel Taylor (Labour Party), Craig Tracey (The Conservati­ve Party) and Alison Wilson (The Green Party).

Rishi Sunak called a General Election to take place on July 4 during the European Championsh­ips. Voters in the UK will have their say on who they want in No 10 in a General Election in 2024. Keir Starmer is hoping to lead Labour into power after 14 years of Tory rule.

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