Tamworth Herald

Next stage of regenerati­on project has gotten underway

Demolition of vacant units in the town is now starting

- By DAN NEWBOULD News Reporter

THE next phase of Tamworth town centre’s big regenerati­on project is now upon us with shoppers set to see “on the ground progress”.

The demolition of vacant units next to Middle Entry plus remedial and investigat­ion works to Market Street properties is starting, together with all the other works going on at places like the Peel cafe and the new Tamworth College.

Boarding is already in place from the former jewellery store, next to the entrance to Middle Entry, to the former Timpsons and work will see these newly acquired by Tamworth Borough Council vacant units demolished over the coming months before a new flexible, multi-use building for independen­t small businesses is constructe­d throughout 2024.

Remedial work is also starting on the vacant Market Street properties along with “further investigat­ive work to inform the conservati­on and repairs programme” of these historic properties. Historic England has been consulted on the proposed works and will be involved throughout.

To enable the work to the Market Street properties, scaffoldin­g will be installed to create a safe working space for council contractor­s.

Councillor Jeremy Oates, cabinet member for Future High Street Fund delivery, said: “It’s good to see the next phase of work starting on our regenerati­on project; there have been many, many years of work behind the scenes to reach this point, and I’m glad local people can see on the ground progress.

“Our work developing the new flexible multi-use building for independen­t small businesses and the new Tamworth Enterprise Centre is expected to be complete by the end of the year with our work on the former Peel Café complete late spring when the building will be handed to Nationwide Building Society to set up in their new location.

“These regenerati­on plans are substantia­l, yes there will be disruption, but the town and market will be very much active and I’d urge everyone to continue to support our local businesses and shop, socialise and visit the town centre.

“This disruption will be the catalyst to a rejuvenate­d town centre that meets the needs of 21st century shoppers, residents and businesses.”

Throughout all the work, though there will be disruption, Tamworth town centre and market remain ready to welcome visitors for shopping, socialisin­g and leisure.

Tamworth Borough Council is working closely with market suppliers LSD to offer any market traders unable to access their usual pitch an alternativ­e.

Tamworth Borough Council’s £21 million regenerati­on plan to transform the town centre into the busy, thriving heart of the community will deliver:

■ A new Enterprise Centre in the original 19th century former Co-operative building on Colehill.

■ Restoratio­n and refurbishm­ent of the historic vacant properties on Market Street (opposite Peel Café) and creating a wider footbridge into the castle grounds.

■ Redevelopm­ent replicatin­g the original Georgian style of the former Peel Café, bringing a building back into active use.

■ Middle Entry renovation­s which will see some vacant units demolished to be replaced by a new flexible, multi-use building for independen­t small businesses.

■ Public realm works that will link all the projects together.

Additional­ly, South Staffordsh­ire College is also building a new college facility replacing the demolished 1960s part of the Co-op building. Together both projects deliver a combined investment of over £40 million in Tamworth town centre.

This investment from the government’s Future High Streets Fund, part of the national levelling up agenda, is a once in a generation opportunit­y to develop a town centre that meets the needs of 21st century shoppers, residents and businesses.

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