Tamworth Herald

Attenborou­gh toasts marathon century


STEPH Attenborou­gh was busy this week putting the Peelers on the map in Toyko, Japan.

She ran her 100th marathon (113 if you include her Ultra Marathons) in 4:54:24 - her fifth fastest marathon. Steph not only completed a marathon, she also volunteere­d as a tailwalker for the local parkrun!

Closer to home, Wayne King completed the Leicester 10k, one of the region’s busiest road races on Sunday.

The race commences and ends in the city centre, passing many of the city’s landmarks. Wayne is in excellent form, achieving a new pb - 36:28.

Bob Donovan, one of the senior Peelers, tackled yet another challenge - a Belvoir Challenge marathon distance.

Bob knew it was going to be muddy but this was something else.

The course included the aptly named Death Hill where runners took one step forward and then slid two steps back.

Bob completed the course in 8hrs 1 minute. Did he enjoy it? Of course he did, especially the apple pie at the end!

Parkrun was a popular choice last weekend for many Peelers. Mike Shelton came in first at Kingsbury parkrun, completing the two-lap course in 21:26.

He was closely followed by Stella Taylor 29:52, Claire Guffick 30:58, Roger Eastaff 38:11, Lee Guffick 38:13, Steve Andrews (tailwalker) 1:04:37.

Tamworth Castle

Grounds was also a popular choice, possibly less muddy than Kingsbury! Ben Dorkin 22:00, Chris Bennett 23:34, Garth Cox 25:39, Sandra Ingram 31:30, Wendy Roe 32:26 and Sarah Boffey 44:24.

Jacqueline Tierney visited Northampto­n parkrun, 28:08; Tim Mudd visited Aston Hall,28:30; Brunswick Park was attended by Ian Orton 26:32, Michael Hughes 39:59.

 ?? ?? Wayne King completed the Leicester 10k in a new pb of 36:28.
Wayne King completed the Leicester 10k in a new pb of 36:28.
 ?? ?? Steph Attenborou­gh completed her 100th marathon in Japan.
Steph Attenborou­gh completed her 100th marathon in Japan.

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