Tamworth Herald

Vandalised gate is damaged everytime it gets repaired

Decision to place concrete block at site has been made by the council

- By DAN NEWBOULD News Reporter

A VANDALISED gate keeps getting damaged every time it is repaired.

Tamworth Borough Council say they now have to put a concrete block there in Selker Drive.

Cllr Lewis Smith asked during Full Council: “I was contacted by residents regarding damage to the access gate onto the field at Selker Drive. The original damage took place at the start of this year and a few days ago the gate was completely cut down. I have emailed the council several times, not demanding for the gate to be fixed but simply asking for an update on the timeline so I can inform residents.

“I have been told that it has been escalated to the Street Scene management team twice and am yet to hear a response. How long are people expected to wait before the council takes action?”

Cllr Andrew Cooper replied: “The gate in question has been vandalised and cut off a number of times.

“Unfortunat­ely it is a huge burden to the taxpayer to keep putting up a gate. It is not something that is insignific­ant. It is quite a big piece of work when the hinges are cut off with a steel saw and everytime we seem to make the repairs, the gate gets cut down again.

“So I would implore members of the public please can we not vandalise. Gates are there for a reason. A decision has been made now that unfortunat­ely a concrete block has to be put in place to secure the open space behind it whilst also providing access requiremen­ts for emergency services, people with disabiliti­es and our own teams who have to get in and maintain the spot.

“With that in mind the restrictio­n barrier will be in place before March 31.

“If you have been emailing and not getting a response please drop me a note and I will quietly have a word and get you a response as quick as possible.”

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