Tamworth Herald

Planned day of reflection


TAMWORTH is taking part in a special day of reflection this weekend.

Tamworth Borough Council is working in partnershi­p with St Editha’s Church to support Marie Curie with the fourth annual Day of Reflection set out by the UK Commission on Covid Commemorat­ion.

The council will be lighting the castle yellow in remembranc­e and will have a book of reflection placed in the foyer of St Editha’s Church from Saturday, March 2, ahead of the Day of Reflection itself on Sunday, March 3.

Residents are invited to share their thoughts and memories in the book of reflection, which will be in the church for one week.

Councillor Tina Clements, portfolio holder for entertainm­ent, leisure and events at Tamworth Borough Council, said: “While the pandemic has passed, the grief many of us feel for those we lost at that time is still very real.

“I will be writing my memories in the book of reflection and rememberin­g the loss and suffering of many over the Covid pandemic.

“I hope you will join me to share your thoughts and experience­s so future generation­s will know about the impact of the Covid pandemic.

“The book will be taken to the castle for display afterwards and for any future visitors to read or add their thoughts.”

Marie Curie is leading the nation in a Uk-wide Day of Reflection and is asking individual­s and communitie­s to remember the people who died during the Covid pandemic, whatever the cause, and to show support for everyone who was bereaved.

Visit Marie Curie UK to find out more about the Day of Reflection.

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