Tamworth Herald

Author sees his first book nominated for top award

- By DAN NEWBOULD News Reporter

A TAMWORTH author has seen his first published book, dedicated to his young son, nominated for a top industry award.

David Youell’s Seamouse Builds a Boat, which tells the story of a mouse on an exciting adventure as he tries to build his very own boat, is a finalist in The Wishing Shelf Independen­t Book Awards and he finds out if he has won in April.

The book, which highlights the importance of never giving up and shows working towards your dreams can bring much happiness, only went on sale in September and is already a big success.

David, aged 42 and from Glascote,

who works in sales for manufactur­ing firm Instarmac, told the Herald: “I am a Tamworth resident and have published my first ever book - Seamouse Builds a Boat. I wrote this as a dedication to my beloved son Charles, who turned 1 in September.

“I always thought I’d like to write a children’s story but this became a goal once my son was born. It’s a great little picture story book for pre school and also contains a nice little fun activity for children to do once they have finished the story.

“It has just been selected as a finalist in The Wishing Shelf Independen­t Book Awards with the final winners announced in April. I never expected any recognitio­n from it but do have plans to carry on the Seamouse saga with future releases.”

Explaining what the book is about and how he got into it, David continued: “The book is about a little mouse who dreams of owning his own boat. He decides one day to chase his dream and build his own from bits and pieces he finds around the dock.

“I have always been into creative writing and am quite imaginativ­e so I decided to write the story as a celebratio­n of my son’s first birthday. It was released and published on his birthday: 21st September.”

The book is available to buy via Amazon at https://www. amazon.co.uk/seamousebu­ilds-david-thomas-youell/ dp/1399960733.

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