Tamworth Herald

Major work set for a pipe organ installed in the 40s

- By DAN NEWBOULD News Reporter

A TREASURED pipe organ, installed at a Tamworth Parish church back in 1940, is having to undergo major work to eliminate woodworm and repair damaged softwood panels and woodwork.

The organ was built at St. Chad’s Church, Hopwas, a daughter church of St. Editha’s, Tamworth, in 1940 by William Hill & Son and Norman & Beard Ltd. Whilst of high quality constructi­on throughout, plywood used in the 1940s was manufactur­ed using animal glues, which are highly attractive to woodworm grubs.

Woodworm was discovered in 2019 and temporary treatment of accessible areas was undertaken to control the infestatio­n whilst detailed inspection­s and costings were conducted and considered.

A decision was reached by the Parish of Tamworth to carry out the major and costly process to remove infested and damaged boards, treat other areas with insecticid­e and overhaul much of the mechanical workings of the organ, and work officially commenced on the project this month.

The congregati­on at St. Chad’s is organising a series of events to help fund the renovation. Support from across the Tamworth community with the fundraisin­g will be much appreciate­d.

A parish spokesman said: “St. Chad’s on Hopwas Hill is an historic and landmark building dating from 1879, and is nationally renowned for its unusual chocolate-box architectu­re and woodland setting.

“It’s always been a popular venue for weddings. We pray that those whose lives have been enhanced in one way or another by aid.”

Well-known Tamworth industrial­ist (Stoneware at Dosthill) and major local benefactor Herbert Dean paid for the organ to be installed in memory of his first wife, Esther, and it was dedicated on May 20, 1940.

Mr. Dean and both of his wives are buried in Hopwas churchyard which was enlarged by gift of Mr. Dean who could see the site from his home, ‘Riftswood’

St. Chad’s will come to its in Comberford Road - now the location of ‘The Riftswood’ public house.

A dedicated website has been set up for people to follow the restoratio­n and its progress at http://www.stchadhopw­as.co.uk/organ-restoratio­n.

Those wishing to donate towards the cost of this major project can do so online via that page or contact the Parish Office inside St. Editha’s Church, Tamworth.

 ?? ?? Hopwas Church organ (copyright photograph courtesy of St. Chad’s Church).
Hopwas Church organ (copyright photograph courtesy of St. Chad’s Church).

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