Tamworth Herald

Local housebuild­er is helping the community


A LOCAL housebuild­er is supporting three Tamworth organisati­ons in their missions to support the community.

Redrow Midlands, which is currently building at Amington Garden Village, has donated more than £1,700 to Tamworth Street Angels, Lichfield and Tamworth NCT Group and the 1st Mile Oak Brownies as part of its Community Fund initiative.

Tamworth Street Angels work to keep those enjoying a night out in the town safe, offering voluntary first aid, street cleaning and a listening ear.

Their donation of £930 will support the charity to continue operating for another year, replenish resources and cover running costs.

The Lichfield & Tamworth NCT Group applied for £750 to train councillor­s to support new parents with feeding their newborns and ensuring they feel

comfortabl­e and confident, no matter what method they choose.

The 1st Mile Oak Brownies also received their share of the pot, £100 to support STEM learning to enable young people in Tamworth to work towards their STEM badge.

Alison Newbold, unit leader, said: “We are a small Brownie unit, keen to enable our young people to widen their STEM abilities by taking part in new activities such as science experiment­s and learning how to use tools.

“These skills are vital in learning and developmen­t and widen their knowledge and aspiration­s for the future – whatever that may look like. We are grateful to Redrow for their kind donation and look forward to achieving our new badges – who knows, perhaps we have some future housebuild­ers in our midst!”

Elaine Cartwright, sales director at Redrow Midlands, added: “We are delighted to support three wonderful Tamworth organisati­ons.

“Developing life skills, supporting new parents and keeping people safe on a night out all contribute­s to creating a thriving, safe, and happy community here in Tamworth. We look forward to seeing the funding being used to benefit local people.”

 ?? ?? Alison Newbold, Eliza, Leela, Libby and Katie, of the 1st Mile Oak Brownies.
Alison Newbold, Eliza, Leela, Libby and Katie, of the 1st Mile Oak Brownies.

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