Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Spot a toxic soulmate


If just two of these signs apply to your soulmate relationsh­ip, it could be a warning that you need to cut the psychic bond.

● Friends and family say you’ve changed since you’ve met this person. You’ve lost your sparkle, your energy, or you’re not your usual self.

● The soulmate relationsh­ip rollercoas­ters between passion and breaking up, followed by trauma and pain — then you make up and the cycle starts all over again.

● You feel that you’re being manipulate­d or bullied.

● No matter how toxic, you feel it’s impossible to walk away.

● When you spend time around the person, you lose your confidence, feel anxious or laugh less.

● You feel tired, drained and unwell — especially when around this soulmate.

Breaking free

Anne outlines a simple technique to break free from toxic soulmates.

● Place your photograph in one circle, and the other person’s picture in another circle — make sure they don’t touch. Draw the circles on a piece of paper. If you don’t have both photos, just write the names inside the circles and follow the rest of the instructio­ns.

● Place coloured thread to link the two photos or names.

● Next, carefully remove the threads from your picture, and then from the other person. Safely burn the threads.

● Place a piece of rose quartz on each photograph — its healing energy will seal the places where the ties were on your auras. Leave the crystals in place for a few moments.

● Next, move the circles wide apart, and preferably take the other person’s out of your space entirely. If you were using a piece of paper with a name written on it, this can be ripped up into pieces and put in the rubbish, or safely burnt.

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