Take a Break Fate & Fortune

joy Ways to spark


We know those who are more socially connected to their family, friends and communitie­s are the happiest, healthiest and most resilient. Research has shown close relationsh­ips are a greater indicator of happiness and joy than income, class, IQ or even genes.

Try this: Arrange a time to meet up with friends or family and treat it as a priority.


Sometimes referred to as ‘the art of noticing’, savouring is all about getting the most out of your positive experience­s. Savouring occurs when we are mindfully engaged and really in the moment.

Try this: Head out for an ‘awe walk’ where you intentiona­lly shift your attention outwards instead of inwards. Pay attention to all of the beauty you can see on your walk, noticing how you feel.


Physical activity has consistent­ly been shown to boost mood — it may provide a distractio­n from stress, or make us feel more in control, boosting our self-worth and self-esteem. Committing to regular exercise or movement may change the way we view ourselves and allow us to experience personal growth, bringing us a sense of joy and contentmen­t.

Try this: Make a playlist of all of your favourite songs and have a little dance party at home.


Those who are inclined to be kind and charitable report experienci­ng more positive emotions. One study found that performing just one act of kindness a week was associated with an increase in wellbeing compared to a control group.

Try this: Make a list of all the ways you could spread some kindness, and then commit to ticking off one item each week.


That feeling of being in the zone and immersed in an energised focus is known as flow. It occurs when we are working on something adequately challengin­g. Try this: Identify something you’d love to learn just for the fun of it rather than something to further your career.


Creativity doesn’t just mean getting arty. Even applying a creative approach to problemsol­ving can flex the muscle!

Try this: Challenge yourself to create something from scratch. Write a poem, draw something or bake a cake. Focus on the process rather than the outcome. Remember: There is no ‘perfect time’ to start choosing joy. You can’t put it off until work settles down, or your kids are a bit older, or you have a little more money in the bank. Any joy you sacrifice now is gone forever, so stop waiting and start choosing. Seize this moment by taking some action, even the smallest step. You won’t regret it.

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