Take a Break Fate & Fortune

Connecting the tarot and your intuition


Use a deck of tarot cards that you feel drawn to — the imagery needs to resonate with you. If you already have a tarot deck that you love, that’s perfect!

I suggest that for the moment you focus on using the

Major Arcana (the 22 named or numbered cards in the deck) as they will connect more deeply to your intuition.

Select one card and place it on the table in front of you. Study the imagery, really looking at the details. Try not to let your critical mind give you any traditiona­l interpreta­tions

— you are going to find the meaning from within yourself.

Close your eyes, picture the card in your mind’s eye and ask yourself: What do I see? What do I hear? What do I feel?

You will discover that you will

connect more deeply with the card and find authentic meaning in the tarot.

You can now ask the card a question that you want answered, and wait to see what flows in. For example, if you’ve chosen The Lovers (IV), this card traditiona­lly represents

relationsh­ips, bonds and union.

But one often-missed aspect of this card is that it can be used to explore the relationsh­ip we have with ourselves.

So what flows through your body at the drawing of this card? Which words, colours, feelings, memories? You could ask the question: ‘How can

I embrace the energy of The Lovers in my journey towards self-acceptance, remove

negative self-talk and bring harmony into my life?’

Then pay attention to what answers and insights come through intuitivel­y, and journal them! If you follow this process with every card in the

Major Arcana, you will have a connection to the cards that will be infinitely more personal for you and help you to read much more accurately.

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