Take a Break Fate & Fortune

A POSSESSION brought us closer together

The paranormal terrified me — until I met Charlie… By Teresa Hughes, 59

- ● To find out more about Teresa and Charlie, search ‘Afterlife Paranormal’ on Facebook.

As I scrolled through my dating site messages, one profile caught my eye.

He looks nice, I thought.

His name was Charlie and we soon started messaging.

Instantly, we hit it off and arranged our first date. Charlie was the first person I’d clicked with following my husband Terry’s passing.

‘So what do you do for a living?’ I asked.

‘Well, I’m actually a paranormal investigat­or,’ he replied.

I was shocked.

‘W-what’s that?’ I asked.

‘I basically look into paranormal activities such as hauntings. I’ve been doing it for about 20 years,’ he said.

I’d never looked into that sort of thing as, truth be told, it freaked me out.

But it didn’t put me off him.

Time passed and Charlie and I grew closer. We moved in together and I became involved in his business, Afterlife Paranormal.

Then two years ago, we started noticing spirits in our own home…

One morning, I came downstairs and noticed that a framed wedding photo of me and Terry was on the floor.

How did that fall down?

I thought.

It seemed odd to me that the glass hadn’t smashed

— it was as if someone had simply placed it on the floor.

Luckily, we have nightvisio­n cameras, so we checked them… and saw an orb coming out of the wedding photo. We looked at each other in shock. Then we were on an investigat­ion at a graveyard, when the strangest sensation came over me and everything went black.

The next thing I remember, is seeing Charlie’s face etched with concern.

‘You blacked out,’ he said, as I looked around, dazed. ‘I’ve never seen anything like it before. I think you were possessed by a spirit.’

After that, the paranormal activity around us grew so intense that we decided to do a séance with a ouija board to see what the spirit or spirits wanted.

As we placed our hands on our planchette, we heard loud knocking through the house. It seemed Spirit was ready to answer our questions…

We discovered his name was George — he’d attached himself to me in the graveyard that awful night, and then he’d come home with me.

But he was only one of many.

Now it’s hard to pinpoint how many spirits are around us — but we don’t scare easily! George is still here sometimes but I also believe my deceased husband Terry is with us too, protecting me from the others.

I feel lucky to have Terry and Charlie looking out for me.

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Me and Charlie
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