Sunderland Echo

'Roof garden' part of major makeover plans for centre


A community centre on the outskirts of Sunderland is set for a major makeover under new plans submitted to council developmen­t chiefs.

Sunderland City Council’s planning department has received an applicatio­n for Easington Lane Community Access Point (ELCAP), which sits off Brick Garth in the Hetton ward.

The charity offers events, activities, transport and room hire in the local community, with activities at the site ranging from sports to family cookery.

New plans for the charity’s base include the demolition of part of an existing community hall and a new single-storey infill extension with a roof garden.

In addition, plans include alteration­s to the existing vehicle access and parking areas, replacemen­t cladding to the community hall and the installati­on of air-source heat pumps and solar panels.

Charity ELCAP submitted the applicatio­n to council officials in recent weeks, along with supporting documents.

A design and access statement outlines renovation­s and extension works planned at the site which encompasse­s two buildings, including a former miners’ welfare hall and a community hall.

Plans include a central entrance point for both buildings with ramped access, a new kitchen and larger dining space, the creation of secure minibus parking, improvemen­ts to toilets and improved energy efficiency of buildings.

It was noted that the infill extension would create a large reception area with a skylight above, a replacemen­t dining space with a more “spacious layout”, and an external seating area.

The layout of the existing community hall and miners’ hall toilets would also be redesigned to provide a more “efficient layout”, along with a new ‘Changing Places’ accessible toilet facility.

Those behind the scheme said the works aimed to create more space for services and facilities and to allow the charity to use on-site space more creatively, and that the demolition of the community hall annex was being proposed to allow a kitchen to be relocated.

For more informatio­n on the planning applicatio­n, visit the council’s planning portal website and search reference: 24/00851/FUL

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 ?? ?? Easington Lane Community Access Point. Picture: Google Maps
Easington Lane Community Access Point. Picture: Google Maps
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