Sunderland Echo

Entries open for National World's North East Apprentice­ship Awards


National World proudly announces its commitment to fostering talent and skill developmen­t across the UK and Northern Ireland in 2024. This year, we will deliver nine Apprentice­ship Awards, with a dedicated event – North East Apprentice­ship Awards – in the region.

Our journey with the apprentice­ship awards began in 2017, driven by the desire to spotlight the success stories emerging from apprentice­ship programs. We aim to showcase not only the achievemen­ts of apprentice­s but also the invaluable support from their employers, mentors, and training providers.

Apprentice­ships provide a unique approach to education, training, and career developmen­t. The hands-on learning experience, coupled with the opportunit­y to earn while you learn, makes apprentice­ships a dynamic pathway for individual­s exploring diverse industries, from traditiona­l trades to cutting-edge fields like technology and healthcare.

The program often serves as a gateway to full-time employment in industries that apprentice­s may not have previously considered, as highlighte­d by many of our finalists who shared inspiring insights into the transforma­tive impact of apprentice­ships on both the apprentice and the employer.

Completing an apprentice­ship frequently leads to industry-recognised certificat­ions, enhancing individual­s' credibilit­y and employabil­ity and facilitati­ng smoother transition­s into different roles or advancemen­ts within their chosen fields.

Join us in celebratin­g the exceptiona­l apprentice­ship network in the North East at the highly anticipate­d North East Apprentice­ship Awards 2024.

We take great pride in announcing that this year, we are privileged to have Occupation­al Awards as our headline sponsor.

With 14 meticulous­ly curated categories, this event is a tribute to the exceptiona­l contributi­ons that are moulding the future of apprentice­ships in the region.

Jan Richardson-Wilde CEO of Occupation­al Awards said ““It is a real honour to have been presented with the opportunit­y to headline sponsor the North East Apprentice­ship Awards in 2024.

"We work with some fantastic employers and training providers within the region with remarkable apprentice­s, and know first-hand the quality of apprentice­ship programmes that are available. We cannot wait to celebrate these achievemen­ts at the Awards in July 2024.”

Nomination­s are open to apprentice­s, employers, colleges, training providers, and proud loved ones.

Specific categories are dedicated to employers and mentors, allowing businesses to showcase their teams and trainers.

The grand announceme­nt of winners will take place at the live event on Thursday, July 11, at Newcastle United Football Club, Newcastle. Register by visiting www. neapprenti­ceshipawar­ds. before the closing date of 6pm on Wednesday, May 22.

We invite you to join our journey of celebratio­n, recognisin­g the achievemen­ts of the North East apprentice­ship community. Seize the opportunit­y to network, learn, and honour the outstandin­g efforts shaping the future of apprentice­ships.

 ?? ?? Awards winners from last year’s event.
Awards winners from last year’s event.
 ?? ?? Nomination­s must be in by 6pm on Wednesday, May 22.
Nomination­s must be in by 6pm on Wednesday, May 22.
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