Sunderland Echo

Vital grant boost for drop-in service helping the homeless


City leaders have approved grant funding to help support a key ‘homeless drop-in service’ on Wearside.

Sunderland City Council’s cabinet of senior councillor­s gave the green light to funding to help safeguard a charityled scheme supporting city residents.

The grant funding for the 2024/25 financial year will go to registered charity Oasis Aquila Housing (OAH), which trades as Oasis Community Housing.

According to a report presented to senior councillor­s, the charity provides housing and support to an estimated 300 people in Sunderland.

Its Basis Sunderland Homeless Drop-in Centre currently operates from

Park Road Church and is understood to open on weekdays providing relief to those in need.

This can include access to shower and laundry facilities, free food and refreshmen­ts and access to a ‘shoe and clothes bank’.

The OAH team also provides practical support with access to phones and ICT, help with housing applicatio­ns and benefits advice, and a safe place where people can store their belongings.

A cabinet report stated that following a “reduction in donations” Oasis Aquila Housing had advised that they would “no longer be able to continue to support and deliver the service”.

Sunderland City Council identified the drop-in scheme as a “valuable service in response to those homeless and sleeping rough” and has stepped in to provide support.

Grant funding agreed this week aims to “ensure a continued and extended homeless drop-in service up until March 31, 2025 (up to 5pm)”.

The grant funding needed to “provide continuati­on of services at the homeless dropin” for the 2024/25 financial year is a total of £113,758.

Councillor Kevin Johnston, cabinet member for Dynamic City, said: “The provision of a homeless drop-in service within the city has been identified as a valuable service in response to those homeless and sleeping rough.

“As we see the ongoing national crisis, with the rising number of people who present themselves homeless and the temporary accommodat­ion costs attached, and trying to find the appropriat­e housing, tackling homelessne­ss in Sunderland is a key priority for this council.”

 ?? ?? The Basis Sunderland Homeless Drop-in Centre is based in Park Road Church, Sunderland.
The Basis Sunderland Homeless Drop-in Centre is based in Park Road Church, Sunderland.
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