Sunderland Echo

Partnershi­p aiming to tackle antisocial behaviour in city


Customers of Sunderland's biggest housing associatio­n have welcomed Northumbri­a Police's Crime Commission­er to one of their high-rise buildings, to discuss antisocial behaviour (ASB) and how best to tackle it.

During the session at Aberdeen Towers in Lakeside Village, Kim McGuinness discussed the force’s approach to antisocial behaviour, while allowing Gentoo tenants to voice their concerns and share their experience­s.

Gentoo is a member of the national Anti-Social Behaviour Panel, launched in 2022, alongside other housing associatio­ns and support networks.

The group works together with these partners to deliver positive change for local communitie­s.

Gentoo customer, Emma Neale, said: “I see a lot of

ASB in my area but it’s being dealt with through multiagenc­y support and I think it’s important for customers to know Gentoo and Northumbri­a Police, alongside other partners, are there to support us.”

Fellow customer, David Banks, who also attended, added: “Lots of people know someone who knows someone that is involved in ASB and it’s time we start talking about it more.”

Following her discussion with customers, Ms McGuinness then joined Gentoo’s board members to address customer comments and further develop the group’s plan for dealing with ASB.

Gentoo CEO Louise Bassett said: “At Gentoo, the safety and wellbeing of our customers and residents is extremely important.

"That’s why we are committed to strengthen­ing our partnershi­p with Northumbri­a Police to work together to tackle antisocial behaviour in our neighbourh­oods."

Kim McGuinness said: “From nuisance motorbikes dangerousl­y riding where they shouldn’t be to vandalism at our bus stops, I have invested in a lot of policing operations and prevention projects to really address issues that matter and cause concern in our communitie­s."

Gentoo customers can anonymousl­y report antisocial behaviour at www. gentoogrou­­ourhood/antisocial­behaviour/

 ?? ?? Gentoo customers have welcomed Northumbri­a Police and Crime Commission­er, Kim McGuinness, centre.
Gentoo customers have welcomed Northumbri­a Police and Crime Commission­er, Kim McGuinness, centre.
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