Sunday Sport

My ‘caught short’ street SHIT was CAUGHT on CAMERA

- By JUSTIN DUNN news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

BAD things often happen while drunk.

Most of us have experience­d embarrassi­ng situations while on the piss – from trying to snog a married workmate at the office party to vomiting on grieving relatives at a family funeral.

But Jamie Marshall can beat most drunken mishaps…

Because he became an internet star when he was caught on CCTV taking a shit in the street.

The office manager, from Wigan, Lancs, was on his way home from the pub after watching England’s 0- 0 bore- fest against Slovenia last week when he found the urge to take a dump overwhelmi­ng.

SUNDAY SPORT But being 15 minutes from his house and not willing to waddle home EXCLUSIVE with boxer shorts full of shite he took the fateful decision to curl one off behind a wheelie bin.

But unknown to the 54- year- old, a security camera caught him in action and the whole stinking business was uploaded online, where it quickly went viral.

Jamie said: “I knew what I was doing was wrong but I had no choice.

“There are no public bogs anymore thanks to the Tories and there was no way I could wait.

“I thought I was out of sight but I was right in front of someone’s ruddy camera.

“The bastards then put the footage online the next day and soon my phone was lighting up with folk messaging me and calling me a dirty bugger.

“Everyone in Wigan knew it was me and they’ve been pointing at

me in the street.

“I haven’t left the house since Thursday for fear of being abused. I had to get my shopping delivered because of the name calling I got when I did nip out.

“My life is in ruins all over one silly mistake.

“Yes, I should have cleaned my mess up but I was drunk. We’ve all been there.”

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STREET OF SHAME: Where England fan took emergency dump
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