Sunday Sport

I drank RUM before baring my BUM

- By JENNI GREEN news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

MOVIE legend Dame Joan Collins says she was encouraged to get “plastered” while performing her iconic sex scenes.

The 91- year- old star recalled working on X- rated 1970s films The Stud and The Bitch, for which she said she had to get “so drunk” before performing intimate scenes.


The Stud, released in 1978 and written by her sister Jackie Collins, follows Fontaine Khaled ( played by Collins), the wife of a wealthy businessma­n who spends her husband’s money on her nightclub.

Collins said that she relied on alcohol while shooting sex scenes for the film, because she found intimate scenes such “hard work”.

“There was an orgy scene and Oliver Tobias, Sue Lloyd, Mark Burns and I got plastered beforehand,” she said.

Collins also reflected on shooting another film, which was never released, when the director encouraged on- set drinking and handed her a bottle of rum before performing a sex scene.

“It was the same with an Italian film which, thank God, no- one has ever seen, where I had a love- making scene and the director gave me and the actor a bottle of rum and said, ‘ Enjoy, and come on set in an hour’.”

But the Dynasty star said that she would hate to have to do sex scenes today because she thinks intimate scenes have become “so explicit” in recent years.

“Maybe some actors can express extreme passion… it’s a hard thing to do unless you feel it. I don’t think I could do that today – not at my age anyway,” Dame Joan said.

She added that she was rarely considered for sex scenes past her twenties, stating that the industry deemed her “past her prime” when she turned 27.


“My contract at 20th Century Fox came to an end when I was 27, because that was considered the point at which a woman was past her prime,” she said.

“That’s when I settled down and had babies and I thought, ‘ Right, had it now’, and retired.”

 ?? ?? ICONIC: Dame gets nude and rude
ICONIC: Dame gets nude and rude
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