Sunday Express - S

Russell Grant

What does this week hold for you? Horoscopes from Sunday to Saturday



21 MAR - 20 APR

A past issue will be investigat­ed again when new informatio­n comes to light. An allegation can’t be ignored. And when an authority figure’s leadership is challenged, you might take their place. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3901*


21 APR - 21 MAY

Travelling and mixing with people from other cultures could spark a profound change in you. Talking about politics and religion will open your eyes to assumption­s you have carried since childhood.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3902*


22 MAY - 20 JUN

It is not too late to switch careers if this might lead to a better financial position. Believe in your abilities and strive for what you truly deserve. Making lifestyle changes is crucial for your wellbeing. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3903*


21 JUN - 23 JUL

A goal that you are pursuing is within your grasp. Be ready to seize it. Although you may bump into a few obstacles along the way, don’t let these impact you negatively. Instead, remain focused.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3904*


24 JUL - 23 AUG

Make use of your dynamic personalit­y.


Revamping a dated company will lead to an increase in earnings. Not only will this enable other employees to stay on board but more jobs will be created.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3905*


24 AUG - 23 SEPT

You may be hesitant to take a leap towards a fresh start, whether it’s in a relationsh­ip or career. Fear of the unknown might hold you back. Remember, it’s OK to explore opportunit­ies and embrace change.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3906*


24 SEPT - 23 OCT

Family commitment­s can feel suffocatin­g. If you’re at the beck and call of your relatives or housemates, it might be time for a change. Before making any rash decisions, consider the idea of moving out. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3907*


24 OCT - 22 NOV

A community target is over-ambitious. What this project needs is a respected leader. In the workplace the mood is changing. It is becoming more apparent that a deadline will be impossible to meet. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3908*


23 NOV - 21 DEC

Some unexpected expenses will take you by surprise. Take this chance to reset your spending habits. Make a financial goal and open a savings account. Guide your focus in a positive direction.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3909*


22 DEC - 20 JAN

Get ready for a major change. Don’t share your plans with anyone, not even your best friends. Whether you’re aiming to shed some pounds or change career, remain dedicated and focused.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3910*


21 JAN - 19 FEB

Be sure to make some time for people you love. A colleague or close friend will share an unexpected piece of news. This will give you inside informatio­n into potential career opportunit­ies.

Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3911*


20 FEB - 20 MAR

You are receiving an overwhelmi­ng amount of attention from friends and neighbours. It’s natural to feel a bit overpowere­d by all the fuss. You might choose to find solace in a private hideaway. Call one of my dedicated astrologer­s for a more in-depth reading on ✆ 0905 789 3912*

 ?? ?? Keanu Reeves 2 September 1964, Virgo
Keanu Reeves 2 September 1964, Virgo

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