Sunday Express - S

Jane O’gorman

Our agony aunt gets to the heart of your relationsh­ip problems

- Contact Jane at S Magazine, One Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5AP or email jane.ogorman@ Jane regrets that she cannot reply personally to your letters

My friend is so entitled

An old friend’s sense of entitlemen­t never ceases to amaze me. She expects to be included in every celebratio­n, but never turns up with money or a gift. It wouldn’t cross her mind to decline an invitation, instead she comes along and simply expects everyone else to cover the cost of her food and drink.

This was (sort of) okay when we were all younger and flinging money around without much thought, but things are different today. I have children and bills and responsibi­lities.

The latest incident involves 10 of us having been invited to a weekend party in Portugal. The flights, taxis and meals need to be considered. I’m expecting to spend over £600. The other going on? Can she explain? night she turned to me The reality is that you, at our book club and and all of your friends, are arrogantly said, “You’ll moving on in life. You have have to cover that for me.” important outgoings and

I was so furious, I didn’t frivolity/freeloadin­g needs know what to say. to be consigned to the past.

Another of our friends is Sadly, if familiarit­y has adamant that this woman bred contempt and she does have money yet thinks she can do anything chooses not to spend she likes because you’re it. After all, she works all too nice to challenge full-time and owns her her, then something own flat. How do I broach has to change. this awkward subject when There’s no denying that we’ve all been pals for some individual­s simply do such a long time? not like spending their own Is it possible that this cash and it never crosses

sicknd friend is supporting a their minds to reimburse. If parent or destitute relative? she is one of those people, You’ve known her for then it’s time for you to get a long time, so surely tough before you blow your you can ask the question. top and things get messy.

Pick your moment and You need to ask yourself start the long overdue just how much of a valued conversati­on. Just what is friend she is.

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