Strathearn Herald

Politician­s’ pledge of support as constructi­on jobs are lost

Firm calls in administra­tors


Politician­s have pledged to support those affected following the news a prominent Perthshire housebuild­er has gone into administra­tion, with the loss of 66 jobs.

Hadden Constructi­on, which has headquarte­rs in Aberuthven and was formed in Crieff in 1992, appointed Alvarez & Marsal Europe on Tuesday.

Joint administra­tors Ben Cairns and Jonny Martson said activities at the company’s sites would cease pending a review of the work in progress and 66 employees would be made redundant.

Mr Cairns, managing director at Alvarez & Marsal, added: “Like other contractor­s, Hadden Constructi­on has been battling a number of headwinds in recent years, including inflated materials prices, rising labour costs and supply chain interrupti­ons.

“As administra­tors, we will seek an orderly wind down of the operations and will welcome any investor interest in the company’s assets.

“We understand that today’s [Tuesday’s] news is unsettling for the company’s employees and will be doing all we can to support them over the weeks ahead.”

Perthshire South and Kinross- shire SNP MSP Jim Fairlie said he was “deeply saddened” by the news.

He went on to state: “They are an important local employer, from starting up in Crieff to moving to the purpose- built site in Aberuthven where they are now.

“My immediate thoughts are with those employees impacted by this news, and I am sure that the relevant Scottish Government support agencies, such as PACE, will be on hand to support staff through this difficult process.

“I am keen to reach out to Alvarez & Marsal, to find out what this news means for the unfinished projects across the country that Hadden Constructi­on were involved with.

“Anyone impacted by this news is welcome to reach out to my office for any additional advice we can provide.”

Strathalla­n Conservati­ve ward councillor Keith Allan said: “This is really sad news for Hadden Constructi­on, all of its employees and their families. This has come below the radar and surprised us all.

“I will be getting in touch to see if there is anything I can do to help, but as they have already appointed an administra­tor, my abilities will be limited.

“My thoughts go out to all those affected and this will be a really difficult time for them all.

“I hope that all of the employees manage to find suitable positions, within the constructi­on industry, quickly.”

In January, Perth and Kinross Council announced it had appointed the Hadden Group as the contractor for a £6.5 million project to build 20 brand new energy-efficient chalets on a permanent Gypsy/Traveller site at Double Dykes near Perth.

A spokespers­on for PKC said the thoughts of all at the local authority were with those affected by the administra­tion.

In terms of ongoing projects, he went on to add: “Perth and Kinross Council remains committed to delivering the programmed works. Decisions will be made on an individual basis.

“It is likely that there will be some delay but every effort will be made to minimise this.”

A message on the firm’s website states: “The affairs, business and property of the company are being managed by the joint administra­tors, who act as agents of the company and without personal liability.”

This is really sad news for Hadden Constructi­on. This has come below the radar and surprised us all Cllr Keith Allan

 ?? Councillor Keith Allan ?? ‘Difficult time’
Councillor Keith Allan ‘Difficult time’

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