Strathearn Herald

Parking concern sparks meeting

Residents and businesses urged to take part


A public meeting is to be held to discuss parking issues in Comrie next week.

The village’s White Church will be the venue for the gathering from 6.30pm on Monday, September 16.

Hosted jointly by Perth and Kinross-shire MP Pete Wishart and Perthshire South and Kinross-shire MSP Jim Fairlie, the evening has been planned to give affected residents and businesses the opportunit­y to voice their concerns and make suggestion­s in relation to the matter.

Recent enforcemen­t of on-street parking restrictio­ns on the village’s Drummond Street has resulted in a strong response from locals.

The restrictio­ns have been in place for many years but have effectivel­y been unenforcea­ble as a result of the signs previously being illegible

As a result, it has become custom for residents with no alternativ­e options to park on the street.

However, the signs have now been replaced and kerb markings have been added.

In addition, parking wardens have started to visit the village on a regular basis, leading to many residents getting tickets despite there being no alternativ­e parking nearby.

Ahead of the meeting, Mr Wishart said: “Our offices have been contacted by numerous constituen­ts with regards to the recent enforcemen­t of on-street parking restrictio­ns in Comrie, which have highlighte­d the impact this is having on impacted residents and the village more widely.

“In response, Jim and I are holding a public meeting in order to give people the chance to voice their questions, concerns and


“The meeting wi l l also serve the purpose of providing us with the fullest understand­ing of the situation in order that we can make sufficient representa­tions on residents’ behalf to relevant stakeholde­rs.

“It is vital that the

community is properly engaged and consulted on issues such as this, and we encourage residents to come along to the meeting as we seek to find a workable resolution.”

Mr Fairlie added: “It is clear that residents have concerns about local parking restrictio­ns which have

recently been reinforced in Comrie. Whilst I understand that the parking restrictio­ns have been in place for some time, prior to now these had not been enforced by the local authority.

“I am fully aware of the delicate nature of balancing residents’ parking with access to local businesses and

ensuring that visitors and locals can get parked.

“I would welcome engagement from local residents, in order to hear their views to ensure that they help shape the solution to this problem. It is important that we have local support in finding a solution to this issue.”

It is clear that residents have concerns about parking restrictio­ns Jim Fairlie

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 ?? ?? Ongoing issue The situation in the village inspired this ’Mad Max - Beyond the Parking Zone’ entry during the Comrie Fortnight Float Parade earlier this year. Pic: Strathearn Snapper. Inset, Drummond Street in Comrie, pictured before the new lines were painted
Ongoing issue The situation in the village inspired this ’Mad Max - Beyond the Parking Zone’ entry during the Comrie Fortnight Float Parade earlier this year. Pic: Strathearn Snapper. Inset, Drummond Street in Comrie, pictured before the new lines were painted

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