Strathearn Herald

Fountain work praised as new chapter begins

Upgrade worth £120k for landmark


A collective effort was celebrated in Crieff last week during the official unveiling of the newlyrefur­bished Murray Fountain.

Perth and Kinross Council Provost Xander McDade was joined by members of the community who helped to bring the project to fruition during a special ceremony in James Square on Thursday evening.

The £120,000 project has seen the town centre landmark’s masonry repaired and repointed, as well as new lighting installed.

The structure has also been cleaned, and the plumbing has been restored should it be possible to reconnect the fountain to the water supply in future.

Designed by Glasgow’s William Mossman and installed in 1894, it has long been an aspiration of the Crieff community to see the Category B-listed fountain restored to its former glory.

Local groups including Crieff Community Trust ( CCT), Crieff at Christmas, Crieff and Strathearn Museum, Crieff in Leaf and PKC’s community greenspace and property services teams have all worked together to take the scheme forward.

CCT submitted successful funding applicatio­ns to Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust, the Scotland Loves Local Fund, the Community Environmen­tal Challenge Fund, utility firm SGN, and heritage watchdog Historic Environmen­t Scotland, all of which raised £60,000 towards the total cost of the work.

The money came from pots of funding that were ring-fenced for restoratio­n work on historic monuments.

CCT chair Ailsa Campbell said: “The refurbishm­ent of the Murray Fountain is something that we have been looking to achieve for many years, and we’re delighted that this important work has now been completed.

“The project will ensure that the fountain will be an asset to Crieff for many decades to come.

“It is looking fantastic, and we can’t wait to see what it looks like when it is lit up at night.”

Provost McDade added: “The Murray Fountain has stood proud in the centre of Crieff for 130 years.

“The local community should be very proud of its dedication to take this project forward to a successful conclusion. Their hard work will make sure the Murray Fountain remains an iconic local landmark for years to come.”

Talented members of Comrie Pipe Band performed in James Square later the same evening as part of the build-up to Sunday’s successful Crieff Highland Gathering in Market Park.

 ?? ?? Heritage Provost Xander McDade, pictured with some of the guests on Thursday
Heritage Provost Xander McDade, pictured with some of the guests on Thursday

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