Strathearn Herald

Big names on the

New talent to join familiar faces at popular festival


Awa r d - w i n n i n g writers, household names and exciting new talent are set to take to the stage in Blairgowri­e this autumn at the popular Bookmark festival.

The line-up was unveiled last week and sees 10 events take place over October 5 and 6 at Blairgowri­e Community Campus.

Among those set to attend this year are Sally Magnusson, Douglas Skelton, Karen Campbell, Molly Hughes, Billy Kay, SG MacLean and Chris Whitaker.

As in previous years, the wide-ranging programme has been curated to appeal to readers of all genres, featuring old favourites, regulars and new writers.

Natalie Russell, an award-winning author and illustrato­r of 12 children’s books, will open the event on the morning of October 5 with a lively illustrate­d talk about the centuries-old tradition of combining art with words.

Mollie Hughes’ life as a mountainee­r and sports adventurer has taken her from the summit of Mount Everest to skiing to the South Pole.

In Blairgowri­e, she will be talking to Merryn Glover in what promises to be an exhilarati­ng journey into the unknown.

Fiction writers Allan Radcliffe and Zoë Strachan will lead a ‘ creative conversati­on’, followed by award-winning author Chris Whitaker who will be talking about his new novel ‘All the

Colours of the Dark’ with DV Bishop.

The Saturday line-up will close with Laura ShepherdRo­binson, who has been described as one of the best new writers of historical fiction and will be talking about her latest novel ‘The Square of Sevens’ with Bookmark patron Rosemary Goring.

Proceeding­s on the Sunday will get under way with a celebratio­n of William Soutar featuring poets from

Tippermuir Books, followed by a short session with Billy Kay talking about his new book, ‘ Born In Kyle’, and then the winner of the 2023 Bookmark Book of the Year award, Karen Campbell. Karen will also announce the winner of this year’s award.

The first of three sessions on the Sunday afternoon will see acclaimed writers SG Maclean, Sally Magnusson and Douglas Skelton discuss historical fiction.

Sticking with the historical theme, well-known writer and historian Jamie Jauncey will talk about his memoir of his great- great uncle, Cunningham­e Graham – better known as ‘ Don Roberto’, the co-founder of

the Scottish Labour Party – with Magnus Linklater.

Chris Brookmyre and Marisa Haetzmann, who write together as Ambrose Parry, will bring proceeding­s to a close chatting about their series of crime thrillers set in mid-19th century Edinburgh.

In addition, the winner of the Christine Findlay Prize for pupils at Blairgowri­e High School will also be announced by Lady Stormont on the Sunday afternoon.

Bookmark committee festival chair, Gail Wylie, declared: “What an exciting programme we have lined-up for our main event in October!

“Over the years, Bookmark has developed a reputation for being a friendly, wellorgani­sed book festival which offers a wide range of events to suit all interests, and our programme this year is no different.

“We’re delighted that so many guest writers love Bookmark and want to return, and are looking forward to welcoming back firm favourites Sally Magnusson, Chris Brookmyre and SG Maclean – particular­ly as their sessions last year were among those that unfortunat­ely had to be cancelled due to the extreme weather.

“We’re also looking forward to hearing from some thrilling new authors including Laura Shepherd- Robinson and Mollie Hughes and can’t wait to introduce them to Bookmark’s audiences.”

As well as the author sessions, two local writing groups, Perthshire Writers and Nethergate Writers, will be at the festival to talk to any budding keen authors, and Blairgowri­e’s Adventure into Books will be running a bookshop at the campus over the course of the weekend.

Gail also announced that Bookmark will be hosting much- loved author Sir Alexander McCall Smith at an event in Perth Theatre on Thursday, September 26.

He will be in conversati­on with journalist Magnus Linklater in what is being billed as a highly-entertaini­ng event taking in travel from Botswana to Edinburgh, an exploratio­n of his engaging cast of characters – including Mrs Ramotswe and Isabel Dalhousie – and his love of music, poetry, art and other interests.

Gail continued: “On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank everyone for their continued support – in particular our wonderful sponsors, including the Gannochy Trust and local businesses such as The A Proctor Group, Castle Water and Hodge Solicitors – who help make Bookmark the success it is.

“Thanks also to Something Special Flowers, who transform the festival venue, Perth Theatre and Concert Hall for the sound and lighting, Adventure into Books for providing a firstclass bookshop, Perthshire Box Office, and our dedicated and hard-working volunteers who give freely of their time to ensure our writers and audiences enjoy the best possible experience.

“We’re so pleased that so many acclaimed writers are eager to come to this year’s festival.”

 ?? ?? On the bill Festival chair Gail Wylie, pictured previously with author Chris Whitaker
On the bill Festival chair Gail Wylie, pictured previously with author Chris Whitaker
 ?? ?? Supporter Billy Kay, left, has appeared at several Bookmark events
Supporter Billy Kay, left, has appeared at several Bookmark events
 ?? Douglas Skelton ?? Appearance
Douglas Skelton Appearance
 ?? ?? Unveiled Bookmark patron Olga Wojtas and festival committee chair Gail Wylie at the programme launch. Pic: CraicN Communicat­ions
Unveiled Bookmark patron Olga Wojtas and festival committee chair Gail Wylie at the programme launch. Pic: CraicN Communicat­ions
 ?? ?? Award-winner Karen Campbell at one of the earlier festivals
Award-winner Karen Campbell at one of the earlier festivals
 ?? ?? Writing duo Ambrose Party, aka Dr Marisa Haetzman and Chris Brookmyre
Writing duo Ambrose Party, aka Dr Marisa Haetzman and Chris Brookmyre
 ?? ?? Familiar face Sally Magnusson is a firm favourite
Familiar face Sally Magnusson is a firm favourite

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