Strathearn Herald

Council unveils new campaign


Perth and Kinross Council is launching a new initiative to improve school attendance in the region.

The `Miss school, miss out’ campaign will remind pupils and their parents and guardians of the educationa­l cost of missing lessons.

Nationally there has been a dip in school attendance in recent years.

PKC strategic lead for education and learning, Sheena Devlin, said: “Many of our schools and families in Perth and Kinross face challenges in supporting our children and young people to attend school regularly.

“Even small dips in attendance can add up to a significan­t portion of time lost.

“For example, one missed day every two weeks equates to four missed weeks of learning over the school session.

“Regular attendance at school has been shown to have a positive impact on children and young people` s health, wellbeing, achievemen­t and attainment – all of which are crucial for their future life chances.

“At Perth and Kinross Council we have been working on a range of strategies with our schools and a range of partners to support parents and carers in ensuring their children and young people attend school.

“Please contact the school if you are experienci­ng challenges in encouragin­g your child to attend.

“The team there is keen to work with you and your family.”

PKC learning and families committee convener councillor, John Rebbeck, said: “Our priority is to make sure that every young person in Perth and Kinross gets the best possible start in life.

“We know that it is inevitable children will have to occasional­ly miss school because of illness, but regular attendance is vital for a child’s wellbeing, developmen­t and attainment.”

The new school term got under way in Perth and Kinross on Wednesday this week.

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