Strathearn Herald

New councillor on the cards for Strathalla­n in by-election


Perth and Kinross Council has announced the local by-elections for the Perth City North ward and Strathalla­n ward will take place on Thursday, September 26.

Voters will be asked to elect a new councillor following the resignatio­ns of Strathalla­n’s Crawford Reid and Perth City North’s Brian Leishman.

On July 10, Strathalla­n Conservati­ve councillor Dr Reid tendered his resignatio­n due to work pressures.

The consultant anaestheti­st recently returned from retirement to work part-time with NHS Forth Valley.

Labour’s Mr Leishman was recently elected to represent the Alloa and Grangemout­h constituen­cy at Westminste­r.

Prospectiv­e candidates have until 4pm on Monday, August 26, to submit their nomination­s.

The by-elections will be operated under the

Single Transferab­le Vote System, which sees voters rank candidates in preferenti­al order.

Those eligible to vote include residents who are aged 16 or older on September 26.

Anyone with electoral register enquiries, amendments, seeking to apply to register to vote or for a postal or proxy vote should contact Perth and Kinross Council’s interim electoral registrati­on officer, Donald Allan, by sending an email to perth@ or calling 01738 630303.

Enquiries about elections, dates and notices, candidate nomination­s, polling places, issues with postal votes not being received, spoilt or lost, ballot papers and how to vote, results or any other election related query should be directed to the returning officer Thomas Glen.

Call 01738 475004 or email: elections@pkc.

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