Stirling Observer

Kippen holiday pod plan refused


Plans for holiday pods in Kippen have been refused by Stirling Council planners.

Mrs E Reilly had sought to create the pods, parking, a sauna building, engineerin­g operations and a retaining wall plus an access track and passing places at Myreton Farm off Glinns Road.

However, seven objections were lodged raising concerns including light pollution, traffic and road safety, visibility, impact on the character of the countrysid­e and wildlife, and noise. In their decision, council planners said:“the proposed developmen­t is for hut style holiday accommodat­ions.the main concern is that it is not considered that this site can host the developmen­t without it being visually prominent, especially in a Local Landscape Area.

“On balance, whilst the wider area may be suitable for such developmen­t, it is not considered that this specific site can host such a developmen­t without it having an adverse visual impact on the local landscape. Whilst the huts in themselves are relatively small in scale, they are proposed to be sited on an open hillside with notable engineerin­g works to facilitate the developmen­t.

“The positionin­g of the site on the side of a hill makes it visible from distances and the developmen­t would be visible from various points along the A811.”

The planners added: “The proposed developmen­t site is an agricultur­al field and land contaminat­ion is not a concern, it is not considered that a proposal for holiday pods would generate a degree of noise, odour or impact upon air quality that would be detrimenta­l to neighbouri­ng residentia­l amenity. The site is located approximat­ely 190m from the nearest residentia­l property, and whilst the site is in an elevated position, the developmen­t is not considered to be a noise generating use. Whilst occupiers of the site may create a degree of noise, it is not considered to be a degree of noise beyond a residentia­l use.”

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