Stirling Observer

New plan lodged for shop site

Premises would be demolished


Fresh plans have been lodged to demolish a long derelict shop in Causewayhe­ad to make way for two houses.

Previous plans for the former Johal Convenienc­e Store at 6 Munro Avenue were refused by Stirling Council planners in 2020.

At that time, two semi-detached homes were proposed by Mohammed Niaz along with a double garage.

However, while locals agreed the shop site was an eyesore, 13 of them formally objected to the proposal over fears it could become an HMO (House in Multiple Occupation).

Floor plans submitted with that applicatio­n appeared to show that each house would have five bedrooms and an upstairs “communal” area crossing the front of the two properties plus a roof terrace would link the two homes.

Objectors said the plans were “misleading” and that drawings appeared to show one house of 10 bedrooms with a common room.

They also cited concerns over the potential for up to 20 people living in the property and increased road safety and parking issues, height and scale of the building and loss of privacy for neighbours.

Stirling Council planners ultimately refused the applicatio­n agreeing that the proposal would be overdevelo­pment of the site and not in keeping with the area.

The latest plans submitted, however, show two detached homes, each with five bedrooms - four upstairs and one downstairs.

In documents submitted with the applicatio­n, agents for the Mr Niaz said:

“The objective is to create a functional and visually appealing set of dwellings that meets the needs of our client, while harmonisin­g with the local environmen­t and adhering to relevant planning policies and regulation­s.

“The proposed dwellings are designed to accommodat­e inhabitant­s with accessibil­ity needs, both to address the needs of our client and also any potential future occupants.

“The surroundin­g area is comprised of a playground and park to the north.

“The east has a residentia­l building directly neighbouri­ng the side.

“The south, west and north west of the site accommodat­es more residentia­l buildings of varying typology and materials.

“The objective of these dwellings is to create accessible, future-friendly homes that complement the character and richness of the existing residentia­l area.

“The current site hosts a derelict former convenienc­e store that has been unoccupied and deteriorat­ing for several years, negatively affecting the area’s character and overall image.

“The proposed developmen­t includes the enhancemen­t of the existing footpath, which will strengthen and improve safety connection­s to the playpark to the north and the neighbouri­ng residences.

“The elevation of the neighbour nearest to the proposed site features only one window, which does not provide any visual access into apartment spaces, ensuring that the privacy and sunlight provision for the neighbouri­ng property are not compromise­d.”

Council planners are expected to make a recommenda­tion on the latest applicatio­n in due course.

 ?? ?? Bid The latest plan is for two detached homes to be built on the land
Bid The latest plan is for two detached homes to be built on the land

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