Stirling Observer

This exciting summer club timetable for youngsters is ready to kick off at Forth Valley College



An exciting summer club schedule will kick off at Forth Valley College in early July, giving children between 10-15 years of age a range of interestin­g things to do during their holidays. The Falkirk and Stirling campuses will be the venues for a fantastic mix of hands-on practical workshops and project work, led by a combinatio­n of lecturing staff, alumni and industry experts. Throughout the summer, there will be plenty for those hoping to find a fun and inspiring way to spend part of their holidays, or improve their career prospects. Some of the courses are aimed at pupils in the Forth Valley area, who are soon to start high school. The summer clubs will open up a whole new world to young people who want to reinforce the path they want to take when they leave school, and also to those who are looking to turn that spark of interest in a subject into a full blown career. Here’s what’s included in Forth Valley College’s offerings for summer 2024: Art & Design Summer Club A week-long summer club for young art and design enthusiast­s of all abilities, aged 10-15 years. Stirling campus, from Monday, July 8 until Friday, July 12, 9am-4pm. Costs £100. Baking & Art Summer Club This is a highly practical course for young creatives and is delivered in the fantastic studios and kitchens on-site. Stirling campus, from Monday, July 22 until Friday, July 26. Mornings 9am-12pm, afternoons 1pm-4pm. Costs £100. STEM - supported by INEOS (summer school) - The week will include a fantastic mix of hands-on practical workshops, experiment­s and projects, covering topics such as climate change, net zero and renewable energy. Attendees will work with mentor and lecturer support to complete a Bronze Crest Award.

The initiative will be for children between 12-14 years of age. Falkirk campus, Monday, August 5 until Friday, August 9, 9.30am-3.30pm. Fiona Jackson, curriculum manager at FVC’S department of STEM and constructi­on, said: “What a great way to spend the summer holidays here at Forth Valley College.” “The young people who attend are usually all very keen and seem to enjoy themselves and learn at the same time. We look forward to welcoming more youngsters over the coming weeks and introducin­g them to the world of science.”

To find out more about Forth Valley College’s summer offerings for children, visit forthvalle­ summer-clubs or call 01324 403000.

 ?? ?? The new timetable promises plenty of fun for young people over the summer (Image: Forth Valley College)
The new timetable promises plenty of fun for young people over the summer (Image: Forth Valley College)

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