Stirling Observer

Pop-up cafe at cathedral


Soup, filled rolls and a selection of tasty desserts are on the menu at Dunblane Cathedral Halls today (Wednesday) and tomorrow as volunteers run a pop-up cafe for Christian Aid Week.

Churches in Dunblane have been joining forces to fundraise for the internatio­nal developmen­t charity since the late 1960s.

John Hamilton, chair of the Christian Aid Dunblane committee, said:“there’s amazing energy during Christian Aid Week when so many people come together to raise money for our global neighbours and make a difference.

“One of the highlights is of course the cafe, but there are other opportunit­ies to give, including via the Christian Aid Week envelope. Thousands of envelopes will be hand delivered, thanks to the efforts of over 60 volunteers and the 25th Stirling (Dunblane) Boys’brigade. Donations can be returned to various drop-off points.

“It would be wonderful if as many people as possible supported our efforts.”

The cafe will be open from 10am-2pm serving coffees and lunches. There will also be stalls including a plant and bric-a-brac stall.

Last year more than £11,000 was raised for Christian Aid during May.

Head of Christian Aid Scotland ,Val Brown said:“the churches in Dunblane have always been incredibly supportive of the work of Christian Aid. It’s great to see they’re running a cafe again and I hope lots of people will support it. Our message this year is:‘seven days, so many ways to creating lasting change’.

“Burundi is the focus of this year’s appeal, a country where 70 per cent of the population live in poverty and more than half of children are chronicall­y malnourish­ed. Our work there, through local partners, is supporting people to gain business skills and access village savings schemes so they can earn vital income and become financiall­y secure.”

More informatio­n about Christian Aid Week can be found at

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