Stirling Observer

Youngsters urged to enter poster contest


Fair Trade Stirling is celebratin­g its 20th anniversar­y in 2024 with a series of events - starting with a poster competitio­n for young people in the area.

The aim of the competitio­n is for young people to produce posters which celebrate and promote awareness of Fair Trade.

Councillor Alasdair Tollemache, Stirling Council’s Fair Trade spokespers­on, said, “Fair Trade Stirling has a proud record of promoting fairtrade over the last 20 years.

“As a way to celebrate this achievemen­t young people have an opportunit­y to take part in this poster competitio­n. Let’s promote fairtrade together and consider this when you are buying it making a great difference to the producers.”

The competitio­n is for young people in school years S1, S2 and S3. Posters may use artwork, poetry, prose or any other creative form provided that it represents original work from the entrant.

Closing date for entries is April 30 and there will be an award ceremony in May.

Winners will be awarded a hamper of fair trade produce. All entrants who attend the award ceremony will receive a prize of fair trade chocolate.

Jon Cape, Fair Trade Stirling coordinato­r, said:“over the past two decades, awareness of fair trade and the range of fair trade goods available locally has grown tremendous­ly. We have seen schools raising understand­ing of trade issues and the role of fair trade.

“There is a lot more still to do and we look forward to young people playing a part.”

Visit www.fairtrades­ or email info@fairtrades­ for more details.

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